see you all soon.....

...finally my list is all ticked.....and tomorrow we leave for Adelaide....the three week wait is over....phew!
So Monday is sentinel node testing.....and pre-anesthetic check.....then Tuesday is the day I have been waiting for....well obviously Id much rather it wasn't necessary.....but seeing as it is....lets get this damn show on the road!!

I am as mentally prepared as possible.... I know it will have its moments....and I know adjustments will need to be made.... I now just want it over with..... good results.....good outcomes....and good futures.
I'm prepared for whatever comes my way....I think Ill look mighty fine with just one boob... and one boob and a bald head doesn't even bother me....all I want... is to still be around to laugh about it.

So...looking on the bright side I have been SO spoilt I feel guilty.... my house has been brimming with visitors....and Ive been lapping it up! Mum and Dad have arrived back here....they are set up to man the fort while we are away....and Mum is planning on being the right hand man for a few weeks after I get home..
I cant even begin to tell you how excited I was when my Aunty Ali and Uncle JB arrived from was like a dream come true.... I always miss them so much.... so we had a lovely catch up.

Let me just recap a few of the things that made me smile this week.....

This layout arrived by post from the gorgeous Yvette ... we took part in a photo swap awhile ago..... and Yvette ... you had such wonderful really cheered me thank you so much my friend. !! (I promise Ill get to yours really soon.....)

This beautiful layout from my baby girl...who I think is so clever (yes....biased Mum here)This gorgeous little bear from friends Ian and Barb...This most adorable and much treasured mini book from Kim and Janelle.......not to mention a survival kit from my great friend Keryn and family...containing lots of goodies that had me giggling....( and also some that will come in very handy)....such as a magazine...jelly beans... lip balm...hand cream...eye soothing pads... breast firming cream... and the best bit...a modified bra.... thanks guys so much... I love a good laugh....and this was classic.

...a lovely stack of DVD's from John and Sue.... hand picked movies by Il have something lovely to lay on the couch and watch when I get home.

...a lovely stack of novels from Keryn.... once again...hand picked... great stories...

.... a beautiful arrangement of flowers from the guys at Barmera Ambulance Station..... just stunning.... the lilys were enormous!

..and there were many other reasons to smile this week..... its just been a week of good friends...and belly laughs..... so Im very grateful.

Well there is one last thing before I go.....the Scrapboxx newsletter is out and I have a couple of contributions...... my sketch layout below.... pop on over and have a shot at my have until the 15th January to get your sketch layout in.... and lets be honest....its a very easy sketch this
...and this is my other layout "Section 136" ....which is a layout about the gorgeous house we live in at the moment....all the thoughts of moving made me a bit sentimental.... and so I had to do a layout before we moved.

Well...thats all from me folks..... Ill be back to chat again after the surgery.... Thank you to everyone for making this last three weeks so much more bearable..... your comments...emails and support has been so appreciated..... mwah... xx


  1. Well my beautiful friend. I am so pleased you have been spoiled by those that love you as you TOTALLY deserve it. Words will no where come near what I want to say to you - please know that I am with you every step of this journey - and I pray that God will wrap you tightly in a blanket of love and keep you feeling safe and loved and protected because these things you are - by not only Him but us as well. I love you my dear friend and can't wait to talk to you later this week, xxxx Janelle

  2. Mardi...what can i say!
    You are such a beautiful friend to me and I will be thinking of you all week!
    Please know that i am here for you anytime...i just haven't wanted to bombard you. I'm sure that you have had a million and one visitors lately!
    I will give you some time with your family and then we can catch up for a well deserved cuppa and a BIG chat!
    You have so many beautiful gifts there are one lucky chick to have so many lovely people that love and care for you!
    Anything you need, you call me and I'll be there in a flash...
    Love Belinda

  3. Anonymous7:16 am

    will be thinking of you mardi, and cheering you on from afar :)
    all the best wishes, we will see you when you return :):)

  4. So spoilt you feel guilty? :) That's gotta be good. I hope all the visitors and beautiful gifts have reinforced for you how special you are to so many people. There are so many of us behind you and we know you are one tough cookie!! I'm praying that everything will go well and thinking about you and your boob all the time. :)

    I love your special layout from Briony (she is such an awesome girl!) and what a gorgeous minibook from Kim and Janelle. Looks like it's got some lovely uplifting words in there. And the sweet little bear with the gorgeous face.

    all my love, Yvette

    PS - I see that the "laugh" plaque on my layout has decided it didn't like where'd I'd originally put it (below the blue button) and apparently has taken a liking to your collarbone! ;)

  5. Hi there Missy. Will be thinking of you over the next few days. Good lucky with everything.

    I'm just a tad bit to far for that big hug but I'll always be around for a chat if you need.


  6. Anonymous12:12 pm

    We are all thinking of you Mardi, and wish you a speedy recovery.
    All the best and take care.

  7. Mardi I'm so happy to hear you've been completely spoiled!!! What beautiful gifts you've received too! I'll be thinking of you every day and wishing you a very speedy recovery!

    Sending you big (((HUGS))) from afar....take care...
    Sheree xx

  8. big hugs Mardi, Ive only just really caught up on all the news on your blog - hope all goes well with your trip to Adeliade.
    Keep up that wonderful po9sitive attitude!

    Nic xxx

  9. Mardi you are a lovely person inside and out and it is no wonder that people spoil you,,,,you deserve it.....

    I will be thinking of you and have everything crossed that it is all good news for you

  10. Anonymous2:58 pm

    We love ya Mardi, so happy to hear all your family and friends dropping in to catch up. You are a shining star and can't wait for you to be back home again as we are all gonna miss ya. Court xx

  11. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Hi Mardi,
    I will be thinking of you.

  12. Will be keeping you in my thoughts.
    Hugs and best wishes.

  13. I'll be thinking of you and sending you big warm wishes. I'm so close, you're bound to feel them encircle you. Good luck. I know that you'll be holding your breath until you get the results of the sentinel lymph node test. I hope they're good. I send all my wishes to the universe that they're clear.
    Love and hugs.

  14. Anonymous6:14 am

    Hi Mardi,
    I'm a lurker (lol) but just wanted to send you my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are being sent your way from NZ. xxxCarol

  15. Anonymous4:17 pm


    You truly are an inspiration, i love reading how strong and positive your feeling and i want to thank you for sharing this with us, it is something that so many woman face everyday and when its not close to you, you tend to not think about it, but awareness and early detection can be what saves a life, so thank you again for sharing and i will be thinking of you through your journey.

    Big hugs, kiss's and well wish's to you gorgeous girl.

    Love Jodie

  16. Mardi,
    Wishing you the best of every outcome you could possibly ask for and the very best of treatment, all those amazing goodies from your true and precious Family and friends are just gorgeous and you deserve it all.
    Take care, Trace.

  17. Hi Mardi wishing you all the best with your next phase in your life .sending prayers and positive vibes your way. take care Kerry

  18. Oh Mardi,
    I just read your horrible news.
    I hope ur keeping ur spirits high because I know that ur going to give ur all to beat this insidious disease & come out shining on the other side.

    COngratulations on being a SM Masters! WTG
    It's Fantastic that u were spoilt.
    Will be thinking & wishing all goes well.

    Take xtra special care
    ps. great to hear Alex's brother is doing ok.

  19. Anonymous2:46 pm

    Mardi thinking of you and hoping for the very best outcome Jacqui

  20. Anonymous5:43 pm

    A whisper to the heavens that all goes well for you and your family.

  21. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Thinking of you Mardi, wishing you and your family all the best.
