...it's Mardi (aka Simply Mardi)
Do you know…it took me almost 50 years to really understand what’s important to me in life. That is far too many years wasted, living a life that wasn’t entirely ‘true to me’.
I made a decision recently that I am aiming for my dream life… I am not sure how I’m getting there yet… but I know there will be ‘spending freezes’ .. homegrown food .. preserves… ‘me-made’ clothing and plenty of d.i.ys.
Interested in some other snippets about me?
I live in the Riverland region of South Australia… on a small urban block ..with my husband. So it’s not the quite the sprawling farm of my dreams…. but there is still plenty of opportunity to make the most of the space we’ve got.
I work in health … and have done for over 30 years... it worries me that in this day and age we are bathed in chemicals daily and our food is lacking the nutritional substance we need. I believe that with very small changes we can make a huge difference to our health.
I am a serial d.i.y’er … and clean my home with the simplest ingredients.
I love Essential Oils for supporting our health and for cleaning our homes without chemicals.. I have loved sharing this knowledge with others.
I love a good Op Shop find… especially fabric finds that I can upcycle into clothing items for my handmade wardrobe.
I enjoy macramé and at times sell pieces through my Etsy store.
We own a motorhome .. that we fondly named Winnie… we love spending time in Winnie… travelling and living a slower pace.
I love my Instagram space @Simply_Mardi where I share bits of my everyday… I hope to inspire others to give ‘simple living’ a go.