Last chemo.... done!
It doesn't even feel real.....I expected this momentous feeling... like fireworks.... or a huge sense of relief...but to be honest...I feel nothing.
I tell myself I'm pleased....but it just hasn't sunk in yet... I'm sure that in the coming weeks Ill appreciate it more and more though.....I wont be out of bed at that ungodly hour each week....I wont be in the car for hours each Thursday.... Ill be able to go back to my old job on the road...Ill be able to repair...recover and get well.....and with any luck Ill be able to lose some of these 7 kilos I piled on with the help of the drugs.
I do however have another 9 months of IV hormone treatment ahead.... but I have a nice three week break before heading back to Adelaide for my heart scan and commencement..

Now...I have a little follow on story about the banana bread.... if you remember ....last time Scott took me for treatment he drove all over Adelaide searching out banana bread ....he went far beyond what a friend should be expected to do.....and it was so appreciated.... if you have forgotten....you can read it here

Anyway..... today Scott took me again.... and as per my normal routine we called in at McCafe Munno Para.... and I lined up at the counter.... I immediately scanned the glass display cabinet...and on the tray were three scoungy end pieces....I was immediately nervous....as I know that at this particular McCafe...they store their banana bread in a container under the cabinet...and only use the display tray for display pieces...they wont sell them to you as they are dry I guess....

So I waited my turn.....noting that although a nice teenage boy was serving me....my favourite older lady was on duty as well....but she was unfortunately working in the fast food section.
When it was my turn I ordered " a flat white coffee with skim....and a piece of toasted banana bread" .... then I heard the clanger I had been dreading.... "sorry we are all out of banana bread today !"

I'm not sure what alerted the older woman....maybe I let out a shriek.... or a moan....or maybe she was psychic.... but whatever it was.....she rushed over and said "NO NO its OK....Ive saved you a piece....because I know how much you love your banana bread"

I was gob smacked....she now knew me that well.... and not only did she know me that well....she was kind enough to think of me..... a complete stranger really... and think ahead saving me a piece.... so I said with the most sincerity....and kindness I could muster.... "Thank you soooooo much.....you have made my day...honestly!" ...and then behind me in an equally sincere voice I heard Scott... "youve just made my day too!"


  1. Hi Mardi, I love that banana bread story - it just goes to show that there are still some genuinely kind and thoughtful people in this world - that is fantastic. Great about the end of chemo, you will be a different person not having those horrid drugs and all the traveling every week. I am really happy for you. And I love your new look blog page. Thinking of you always. Say hi to all Luv Donna:-)

  2. Anonymous6:40 am

    that lady deserves a medal, and had me in tears reading what she did.....
    did you tell her you wont be there next week?

    so glad this 122 week course is at its end :)

  3. Anonymous6:47 am

    eermmm- that would be 12 week course LOL

  4. Hi Mardi!

    I've been such a slacker and only ready via bloglines but I just HAD to come by and comment today!

    Firstly - biggest, hugest congratulations on no more Chemo!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!

    Secondly - Congratulations on going to be a Nanna/Grandma/Granny!!! You must be SO excited!

    And I'm glad I wasn't the only one that cried at today's post! What a sweet, lovely lady to think of you! Really does show that there's still some good people around, hey? Something so small but that means so much. So sweet!

    And ROTFLMAO @ Scott's relief!

    Take care, mate!
    Ali :o) xoxo

  5. Oh Mardi, that is the BEST story - and reminds you that people are really lovely. I laughed when I read Scott's comment too, how funny! I guess he was glad he didn't have to drive all over Adelaide looking for Banana bread hehe but I know he would have if need be.

    Thanks for sharing your story with us and YAY that you are finished Chemo - WHOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! xx Janelle

  6. Anonymous9:41 am

    Woohoo...no more chemo!! That is brilliant.

    Love the banana bread story...heartwarming and funny all at the same time!!

    And another belated congrats on your impending 'Nannahood'...how exciting for you!!

  7. OMG Mardi....you banana bread had me in tears...what a gorgeous, thoughtful lady...I love to hear sweet things like that.{And Scott sounds awesome too!}
    Such great news about the end of treatment...it will hit home eventually...but yah!
    I obviously havent been for a visit in a while....you are way too young to be a granny...but thats awesome news too...love those belly shots...cluck,cluck!
    Take care of yourself gorgeous xxxx

  8. Hi Mardi, I've been following your story for months now, but haven't left a comment before. Just HAD to say it's so good to know you've had your last chemo. You've been such a trooper through it all, & yes, the Banana Bread tale brought tears to my eyes too. I hope the sun shines brightly on you & your family from now on, & you can concentrate on the joy of the new baby's arrival. Take care.

  9. Oh Mardi what a beautiful, thoughtful lady she must be!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry reading your story... but I did have to laugh at the relief Scott must have felt! LOL So nice to know there are still wonderful people like that around!

    WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! No more chemo... just fantastic!!! I'm sure it will sink in soon... once you've recovered from this last round...

    Hope you've got a lovely weekend planned!

    Take care
    Sheree xx

  10. Oh Mardi I have lots of happy tears for you today after reading your post. Not sure if its the last chemo day, the words Scott said or the blooming banana bread. xxxx Felicity

  11. Yeah on finishing up on the cheno Missy M.

    I so love the banana bread story. That so needs to be scrapped.

  12. Mardi, I don't post comments very often well ever actually but i am so HAPPY for you that your Chemo is finally over. Your story has been amazing. My dear brand new LOVLY sister in law has just found out the her very dear DAD has cancer. He raised 5 beautiful and amazing children single handed. I have refered her to your blog for encouragment your have been so strong and so AMAZING in sharing your STORY with us. Bless you Mardi and Take Care.

  13. Hi Mardi,
    I too have been following your blog for a few months now, but have never left a comment before (who knows why :S). a HUGE congrats on finishing your course of chemo...what a trooper you are. And I just love your banana bread story....it brought a tear to my eye that the lovely, kind lady had thought of you and saved you that piece of banana bread....but I then got a giggle from Scotts comment, LOL! I have never had a piece of said banana bread, but after reading your story....I think I will have to give it a try next time I visit a Mcafe :).

  14. Oh what beautiful story and a wonderful lady. I too had tears in my eyes as I laughed at the same time. Scott must be a great guy too.
    Great to hear the chemo is finished too.

  15. It must be the day for coming out of "lurkerdom" LOL.
    I have been so inspired by your journey, Mardi, and how you have managed to keep your sense of humour through this harrowing ordeal. I wish you all the best xxx

    I originally came to your blog because of your scrapping...I love your style!
    Best wishes, and who knows, I may even comment again sometime :)

  16. Oh Mardi that is so heartwarming. :)
    ....and funny! lol. Scott I mean.

    I'm so happy for you, finishing chemo. I think life will feel a bit more normal for you now!

  17. what a great story about the banana bread and what a lovely Mcafe lady!!!!!! I'm so please that the chemo trips are done and dusted!

  18. oh Mrdi that is fantastic news on the no more chemoXXXX

    Give that dear Scott a hug...i so just laughed when i read his comment that is just gorgeous...and what a lovely lovely lady to save you a piece of banana bread:)

    I promise to try som next time.....or maybe when im coming to see dad i can bring you a piece one day:)

  19. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Hi Mardi...... So happy for you that the chemo is over. I hape you done a little celebratory happy dance. Its and new page now..... What a remakable story, What a kind kind lady. You don't get that kind of service these days.
    Luv Lisa xxx

  20. What fantastic story Mardi...I had tears in my eyes too....just goes to show there are still lots of beautiful kind people out there...

    Yah about the chemo finished....I sure by this time next week you will fell more excited about it all being finished..

    Have a lovely weekend
    Cherie xx

  21. i have tears mardi! aren't some people just so kind and little things can truly mean the world! congrats on completing your chemo, you star!

  22. Hooraay!!!! WTG on finishing your chemo treatment. I had to laugh at Scotts releif at not having to find banana bread...and the lady at the counter...that is amazing! It really gives me confidence to hear that there are people in the community that take the time to know their customers
    Hugs Mardi

  23. Mardo i'm so happy for you that you finally will get normailty back into your life not that it wasnt before but doing that travelling to Adelaide every week is very taxing on you.What a lovely lady for keeping you a piece thats fantastic good old Adelaide for you.The offer is still there for the careseat if you want it let me know.Take care Kerry xx

  24. Like so many others .. i want to say congrats and best wishes on finishing your chemo... I hope you feel better and on top of the world in no time...


  25. The most best bit of news I have heard in such a long time - WHOO HOO indeed Mardi:))))
