Ive been playing today....

...all day in fact!
... cant really show it yet though.... as most of it is for an upcoming SM article.... but I can show you some peaks...
and I finally got around to this layout Ive been meaning to do for ages..... its winging its way in the mail to someone as I type....well I imagine it would be....if Id actually mailed it... lol

I also wanted to mention tonight....that I received a lovely message form Susan (Smiles1965 from the Scrapboxx) today....Susan let me know that she had taken part in my challenge to show some photos from your spot in the world.... Susan lives in a most gorgeous part of Sydney.... it IS so lush and green...open...filled with trees... I also loved the description that Susan gave of her special spots around her area.. you can read about it here...


  1. Looks interesting MArdi cant wait to see what it is i hope you are feeling better these days.take care Kerryxx

  2. Anonymous3:41 pm

    GOod for you! Glad you are scrapping up a storm. Love the LOs in your previous two posts as well. And yours does do justice to the other lady's!!!

  3. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Loving what I see Mardi! Dang your're good at this! Good to see you're sounding so "chipper"!!! (Where did that come from LOL?!?!?!?

  4. Gorgeous sneaky peakies! I love the look of that stuff...

    Also wanted to say I love the layout you did of you as a young mum. How sad that you avoided having your photo taken. I'm SOOOO happy that you're over that now. As much as you hate having it taken, it's just SO important, isn't it!

  5. Can't wait to see the whole lot mardi...the peek looks fab...

    Have a great weekend
    Cherie xx

  6. Anonymous2:09 pm

    OMG I recognise part of that photo!!
    Oh I can't wait to see all of it and your peeks for SM looks very interesting :0)

  7. Hi Mardi :)
    Lovin those colours on the sneak peaks!!...cant wait to see the whole lo!....wishing you a very happy Mothers Day tomorrow!! x

  8. The sneek peeks are cruel! Just have to wait I guess. ;P
    I am the same with the no photos of me bizzo, still am. :(

  9. Anonymous10:58 am

    Thanks for advertising my blog on yours. I have had lots of new visitors over the last few days and it's been very nice reading their comments and sharing my photos of Sydney.

    Hope your having a fabulous Mother's Day and your getting spoilt and appreciated as you deserve.

    Personally I couldn't feel happier. Amanda spoilt me with lots of cards and gifts she had made at school for me. There's no shortage of love in this house today.

    From Susan (smiles1965) xxoo

  10. Anonymous4:32 pm

    *~*~HapPy MoThErs DaY~*~*

  11. Oh, your sneak peeks look delicious Mardi!!
    Can't wait to see them fully!!

  12. Anonymous10:15 pm

    The sneeks look fabbo Mardi - can't wait to see the whole feature in the mag!

    chat soon
    Julie xx
