whoa... and then some BIG news!

..time flies hey!
Ive been neglecting this poor Blog for weeks.... so its time for a little catch up.... dot point style!

* We had a fabulous holiday with the Stallans - Ron, Donna, Shaun and Kate.... they spent two weeks here with us....and it was the most relaxing....low key holiday Ive had in ages. We lazed around....watched movies.... lots of movies....played Wii.....ate...ate lots...and just had a generally great time.
I love how the kids all fitted in.... and I loved that most nights we were all lined up in the loungeroom... watching TV together.... it was snug...and warm...and lots of fun... oh...and I love the laughs... plenty of those too.

* I celebrated another birthday.... it seemed extra special this year.
Whether its because I was on holidays.... or whether its just because I appreciate them more....or perhaps it was because we had our friends staying... what ever the reason....it was a great one.
I was totally spoilt rotten.... lots of beautiful gifts.... lots of messages...cards and mail... I did feel very loved this year.... (thanks so much to everyone who made it a very special day for me....very appreciated)

* Even though we were on holidays ...we still made the weekly chemo trip....Donna kept me company in the HODU for the two treatments while she was staying.... which was lovely ....company makes the time go quicker for sure.
We also stayed an extra night in Adelaide last week.... before farewelling the Stallans at the airport... Ron and Donna spoilt us with a beautiful dinner out... it was such a nice evening to finish our holiday on... followed by a VERY sad day...as we said goodbye.

* Our yard.... well Ian has been plugging away at it... and its slowly taking shape.... weve got some paths laid....and some lawn up...... the kids think its growing like my hair...all short and fuzzy. We are now about to get pavers organised....and waiting on a pergola quote.

* We did a tincy bit of shopping in Adelaide last week too.... I got a very much needed new monitor for my computer....and boy has it made a difference! In fact....I upgraded my entire desktop computer... happy Mardi!

* Id share some photos of me with our guests...but Im so embarrassed....Ive put on so much weight in the last few weeks / months....just slowly slowly its crept on... Im partially blaming the treatment.... the dexamethasone...the hormones maybe...but Ive also got to take a bit of blame....Ive just been eating badly! Perhaps a little much banana bread.....lol
So.... Im back to work this week....and Im making a concerted effort...to exercise and lose weght.
Mr Wii fit almost had a hernia when I climbed on......he actually cried out 'ouch' ...then told me I was obeser than before...

*Now...I have been saving the best bit of news for last..... its some news I havent blogged about until now...as it wasnt really my news to share to begin with.... but.....I cant contain it any longer.... "we have a baby coming in our family".
Brent and Alex are expecting....and we are all over the moon.... totally clucky... excited... and counting sleeps.
Yes....Ive know for quite some time....another little diversion in my life....something else to ocupy my thoughts... a good thing... a shining light in my year.
I cant lie...I was initially suprised....I dont think Id expected to be called Grandma / Nanna or whatever at my age....I still think of myself as young.... but on the other hand...what a blessing!
Alex is well....she is blooming in fact.....they are such the excited couple.... both working hard to get things set up and organised... Im so very proud of them both.
Ohh...and of course....Ive already begun scrapping.....I hope Alex doesnt mind me sharing her beautiful belly.

* Ok...while Im sharing.... Im waaaaaaaaaaay behind with layout shares...and in fact....Ive lost track of what Ive shared and what I havent.... so heres a few as a catch up.... Firstly... the Scrapboxx June newsletter layouts..... using the B.O.S ... which I really enjoyed using....
This first layout is of Briony and my Mum.... and some photos of Granny helping her make her bed.....
...this second layout...also the B.O.S is of Papa and I when he visited in May..... I thought we looked pretty cool in our matching hats.... This third layout was an office supplies layout..... and I used graph paper... masking tape...index strip... staples ect...and I loved the photos of Briony with her cousins Jack and Jorja....these are two of the cutest kids... we wish we got to see them more often. (so sorry this looks washed out... my new monitor shows colours really differently to my old one thats for sure)..this next one was my version of the weekly challenge at the Boxx a few weeks ago.... it was a tricky challenge.... incorporating pp background...paint...felt....ribbon and bling. Its a layout of Brent and a conversation we had...(and Ive had deja vu ... have I posted that before...eeek)...This one was a quick layout about Mitchs construction project at school.... I scrapped it on a pocket on the layout....which now contains the newspaper article about his project. Unfortunatly when I photogrpahed the layout....I was still turning the house upside down hunting for the paper it was in.....Im pretty sure Ive shared this one.... the first whisper layout from the Scrapboxx.... and a pretty cool photo of Mitch and James....Now.....I also want to mention....Scrapboxx Cyber Crop this weekend 19th July..... with lots of prizes...challenges....fun... and as its the Scrapboxx 4th Birthday celebration..... the winner of the Making Memories Slice ....will be annoounced.

Gee...this turned into a mammoth post.... and I havent finished yet.....so Ill be back soon....with some tags...and awards that I have owing.... but thats for another post...


  1. Hi Mardi, We all had a super time on holidays with you guys and it has been quiet and lonely without everyone together - looking forward to the next time whenever that is. I love your layouts esp the one of Alex's baby bump, she is so beautiful and has such a beautiful baby belly - a lovely layout as they all are, Cheers for now Love Donna

  2. Oh my goodness how EXCITING!!!! A new little addition to the family!!! A HUGE congrats to Brent & Alex... and of course to the rest of the family too! Alex looks gorgeous in the layouts you've done of her already...

    Sounds like you've had an absolutely wonderful holiday! Fantastic! Love all the fabbo layout shares too... gorgeous as always!

    Sheree xx

  3. Hi mardi
    i don't think that I have posted on here before.
    but i really just wanted to let you know that you are such a brave and inspirational person.
    I read your blog all the time from my bloglines, and you never fail to inspire me not only with your scrapbooking but your beautiful outlook on life.

    I love your recent pages, beautiful as always.

    And CONGRATULATIONS about becoming a grandma...what a beautiful thing to look forward to.

    and happy scrapping

    Kayla Renee. xx

  4. Congrats 'Grandma' hehe!
    Alex's belly is soo cute!

    Love the layouts - all stunning as usual!

    Sounds like a great holiday Mardi -who cares if you ate too much...someones gotta buy that banana bread... ;)

    Talk soon.


  5. Woa! Congratulations, that's HUGE news. Congratulations to Brent and Alex. They must be so excited!
    Loved all the new layouts - esp. the "I eat anything" one. Hee hee.

  6. Love all these LOs Mardi you are so cleaver.
    WOW a a baby, how exciting for you, you must be thrilled, i bet you cant hide your excitment from the kids.
    Oh and Mardi is quite a small town with only about 2000 residents, but you are right oppisite a huge westfields shopping centre and near everything, you are definatly convenient and well situated, just 15mins to the beach and right near the train4, by which it would be about 45mins south to, you live just south of the lovely Janelle, maybe you should go for a visit?? not any time soon with that baby on the way though im sure:)

    Megan xx

  7. Anonymous7:13 am

    hi granny :)
    brent and alex's news is wonderful, and they have a whole community of cyber aunties to help them out too.
    So glad that you have had a relaxing and fun holiday, you deserve it~!
    love your layouts as always, you know im one of your biggest fans

  8. Anonymous3:23 pm

    WOW nanna Mardi woooohoooo!

    Thats the best news for you and your family. Babies are my faviourite people, no arguing, no moodies, they love to cuddles and just be, I did actually see Alex and wonder.....
    Your post seemed really happy and cheery. Hope your keeping well. See ya soon.
    Lisa x

  9. Fantastic break with family & friends...sounds like it was what u needed.
    A belated Happy birthday!
    Wow fantastic news there granny!
    LOL ur right it does sound weird but a great kinda weird IYKWIM? When is Alex & Brent due?
    Congratulations to Brent & Alex & U & Ian.
    U kept that secret well.

  10. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Oh WOW!! HUGE congrats to Brent and Alex .... and to you all there Mardi.
    How super cute is that belly shot.
    Happy Birthday as well, sounds like it was fabbo time for you.

    take care and chat soon
    Julie xx

  11. Congrats to Brent and Alex and to you MArdi a granny ha thats just fab.Glad to see you enjoyed your holiday.Fab layouts too.take care Kerry xx

  12. Anonymous10:43 am

    Congratulations Nanny!
    Of course to Brent and Alex as well.

    Loved sitting here looking at all your beautiful layouts - thank you.

    Take care and eat as much smegging bananananana bread as you damn well please :o)


  13. How exciting, congratulations. You layouts are divine.

  14. I *HEART* U Mardi -- congrats once again on the news!!!
    Much LOVE - helenxxxx

  15. Great to hear all is well Mardi. I piled on the weight during chemo too. I ate like a horse where as most don't.

    So happy to hear your Nanna news. mmm now to decide what you will be called. How exciting for the family.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday.

  16. Anonymous11:45 pm

    AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OMG! OMG!
    I'm sorry I just skimmed your blog before going to bed and could leave without saying a big, huge huggly *~*~CONGRATULATIOND~*~* to you (nan) and Brent and Alex....how EXCITEMENT!!
    I'm so thrilled for you all and I am so looking forward to following this journey with you
    Much love

  17. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Hi there!

    Boy it truly is a small world! I am a friend of your cousin Kerry and have been catching up on your blog every now and again because I love your work! Now the small world thing...I am sure Donna Stallan is the midwife who delivered my 2nd child and ran my antenatal classes with my first! I could be wrong I guess though..lol

    Glad to read your recovery and treatment is doing well!
