Gotta love a clean out....

On the weekend we had a garage sale.... we just needed to clear out some of the things we no longer wanted.... we wanted to be able to get the cars back into the garage and open their doors.

Its amazing what sold....things we thought were garbage were snapped up....and things we liked are sitting in the back of the car waiting to go to the Childhood Cancer store...

It was certainly NOT a money making exercise.... we labelled almost everything $1.00 ...with the exception of a few things that made it to $10.00 .... and it wallked out the door... just the way we wanted it.

We were so lucky that Mum and Dad were visiting (although they may not feel quite so lucky) ...they helped to sort...clean ...and price it all ...and then on the actual day...Mum was a champion at customer service.... especially when at first sight of the big rush....I did a runner and left her to Poor Mum was faced by the onslaught of the early birds and when she turned around for support she realised we had all left her to it.... she was all alone.

So with our grand proceeds from the sale of $100.00... we trundled up to Renmark in the afternoon to buy some work clothes for Mitch..... $300.00 later.... he was all fitted out and respectable.

which leads me to Mitch..... he applied for an apprenticeship..... and has been short listed to one of two applicants..... he now has a weeks work experiance on the job.... and next week is the other applicants turn..... so we have our fingers crossed....he so badly wants it...and has been loving every minute of it so far.

Well...thats it for this morning....


  1. PMSLOL at your poor mum being left to the garge sale junkies! You did however make some money from your trash and some left over for charity :0)
    As for my blog...I had created a new gmail account and over a couple of weeks realised I wouldn't use it so I deleted it...unfortunately it also deleted my blog as the new gmail email must have been saved as my primary account :(
    I've tried and tried to fill in all the right forms on google to get my blog back but they are pretty much not interested :(
    Please go into your account setting & archive your blog. You can choose daily, weekly and monthly archive options. Also export your blog every now and then and save it too your computer. It saves as an XML file. its like a backup that you can import back to your blog.
    Hope that makes sense ;)
    Scrapbook Nook

  2. Oh I would LOVE to have clean out and a garage sale and get rid of all that stuff that is just a bit to good to throw away.

    Well done to your Mum too

    Hope Mitch hears some good news...I will keep my fingers crossed for him

    Take care
    Cherie xxx

  3. great idea with the clean out and you doing a runner too funny.I hope that Mitch gets the job.take care Kerry xx

  4. Fingers crossed for Mitch Mardi:))))

  5. Mmm, those balloons! I went take Madelin's cousin home Saturday morning (just around the corner from you) and she spotted the balloons out the front of your house. She even asked me to stop an get her one...pmsl!

    We really need to sort out our shed and do the same - but I'm too darn lazy! lol

    Crossing my fingers that Mitch gets the job.

    Love the new blog look too. That banner is so simple and sweet, and the colours are yummy!

    Happy Thursday,


  6. Crossing my fingers and sending good luck wishes to Mitch that he gets the job!!

    It must feel great to have gotten rid of all that excess stuff! I really should get organised and do the same thing... just need to find some time!

    Have a fabulous weekend Mardi!
    Sheree xx

  7. AWWWW ur poor MUM! Nasty daughter u are...PMSL
    *fingers crossed* for Mitch...hope he gets it.
    Enjoy the break for the drugs!
    Isn't that so sweet with total stranger does that & especially when u were out of ur own town. U see Mardi thats how u touch everyone thats known u online or IRL.... ur spirit is gorgeous!
    ps...PMSL @ Scott's 2 cents worth.
