I actually feel like...

...a pretty slack blogger!
I know I have that little badge in my sidebar....the 'blogging without obligation' badge....but I still feel guilty. Its not that I havent updated as much as I should.....or that Ive missed recording some of the things that have happened recently..... whats made me feel the worst is.... I havent been to visit anyone elses blogs in weeks....and that makes me sad.
I am making it a priority in the next few weeks to touch base and check in.... so expect a visit...

So... for family and friends who keep tabs on me through this feeble excuse for a blog... heres an update.... dot point style as usual...

* Anna-Bella is a dream .....shes feeding well.... gaining weight... sleeping from 10.30pm until 6.30am..... becoming more alert when she is awake... and still melting our hearts with every little grunt and cute face she pulls.
*Mitch is still loving his job...and has already begun trade school.... its certainly a lot better that it used to be...and such a relief that he doesnt have to go to Adelaide for weeks at a time to attend. Now days trade school comes to him .... so ..one day every three weeks is spent doing trade school and his tutor comes to him.

* Brent has begun a new job this week too.....hes working at a car dealership.....detailing cars and whatever else needs doing...best bit is ...its full time. He is so relieved to finally have fulltime work...and although he is still going to do the odd weekend shift at the mix grill.....he has resigned from GAME.

* I have been keeping up with the gym.....going three times a week....even though it almost kills me. Im aching in every muscle...and feeling incredibly tired every day....but surely in the long run Ill feel the benefits....please just humour me...... tell me Ill feel better eventually...

* I thoroughly enjoyed the 'Girls night in' at the Boxx last weekend....and I had a lot of fun with the challenges that were set on the night.....

Lucy challenged us to create a layout with lots of flowers and no photo.... so I took the oppurtunity to create this canvas for Anna-Bellas room.

Donna challenged us to create a layout with more than one photo....ribbon...a handmade embellishment and journaling....
Tatum challenged us to create a layout or card as long as it was BOLD... so I created this card.... love the journal spot....thanks Yvette...
Mmmm...well thats about it for tonight.... hope you are having a great weekend.....


  1. By hook or by crook... I'll be first! Your canvas is JUST SO BEAUTIFUL as is your gorgeous grandaughter! Life is busy busy busy Mardi, especially at this time of year so don't feel bad about not blogging! And ... good on you for keeping up your gym routine! You WILL feel better soon!

  2. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Oh Anna Bella is looking rather cute in that photo and I love the canvas you did for her room. Well done to Brent and Mitch. Its sounds like things are humming along :)
    Love the LO's as always Mardi :)

  3. Look at little Anna Bella, she is so cute and growing like a mushroom. Well done to Brent and Mitch too..

    I love the canvas Mardi...its just gorgeous

    Keep up the gym, I am SURE it will all be worth it...

    Cherie xx

  4. Anna Bella is just sooo gorgeous! Doesn't she have the most gorgeous little red mouth. The canvas you made her is just SCRUMPTIOUS!

  5. Oh Mardi.

    Anna-Bella is such a little doll.

    I had a cuddle last week and she make my heart melt *cluck cluck* (well I kind of snatched her off of Alex - oops! Hope she didn't mind...lol.)

    Sounds like things are busy - but well.

    We need a catch up - soon!


  6. You'll feel better eventually!
    You WILL feel better eventually!
    You will feel BETTER eventually!!
    I admire you determination & stick-at-ability, Mardi. I wish I had some! You go girl!

  7. Anna Bella is adorable and they are so lucky that she is so good.Must be like her nanna tell them haha.Love the canvas.Glad to see that you are still going to the gym good on you.take care Kerry xx

  8. Awww... little Anna Bella is such a little cutie pie!!! What an absolutely gorgeous pic of her! And I just LOVE that canvas you've made her... so beautiful!!

    I think we're all busy, busy lately. I've missed visiting everyone's blogs too but I'm trying to catch up tonight.

    Hope you've had a great weekend!

    Sheree xx

  9. Wow! Gosh you got so much done. Love all the LO's, and what a cutie Anna Bella is!


  10. grrr ate my reply.
    She's still gorgeous!
    Great news on the job's front.
    & fantastic work chickie

  11. The canvas is stunning, she sure is a little cutie.

    The gym work will pay off stick at it you'll tank yourself in the long run.

    Cheers, Lauren
