An award...

Thankyou so much Kathryn for this lovely award.... and such a kind thing to say about me too... and I didnt even have to pay you...hehe

To receive this award there are a couple of things you need to do:
1..You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs;
2.You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions; and
3.On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link back to their blog.

Addictions -
Real coffee....especially a skinny flat white from the Bonney Deli
Reality TV....I know Im in the minority....but for some reason I love it....SYTYCD...Australian Idol....Biggest Loser... they suck me in!
Banana Bread from McCafe.....toasted with a thin smear of eating a slice of heaven.
Email....Im addicted.... I get behind with replies and it stresses me out...but Im an email junkie.
Craft...its foremost in my head every day..... planning it...creating it...trying to make time for it...whether its scrapbooking....stitching...whatever...its an addicition.

5 other fabulous blogs... boy this is hard......there are so bloglines is bulging...

Julie Heard....Julie was a fellow Master last year... and I just adore Julies layouts and use of ink.... her article on ink in SM last year was awesome.... plus...I have found her weight loss story very inspiring..

Kathleen Glossop ...I met Kathleen at the October Boxx retreat this year.... she is a real sweetie... and scraps beautiful layouts too...

Janine King... I also loved catching up with Janine again at the October retreat...and Im very inspired by Janine's Project 365 layouts at the moment... fantastic!

Fran Tynan ... oh and another October retreat girl....seems I unintentionally have a theme going I love Frans work...her use of scrumptious fonts....titles and the negative space.. beautiful.

Tatum Woodroofe ... Tatum...another gorgeous Boxx girl... with layouts that just make me happy....and seeing as she is a SA girl....I really hope that one day we can get to meet...

Well I think thats my award obligations fulfilled...and it was fun surfing around some blogs for awhile too....

I am pretty sure Bloglines doesnt update me anymore either...I think as far as bloglines goes...Im now extinict...oh well...

1 comment

  1. Oh my gosh! Thanks so much Mardi! Im very honored you thought of me :)

    And I think you're right about bloglines - so I deleted you and added you again, we'll see if that fixes it! Now Im off to catch up on what I've missed out on!

