@home update...

...its been awhile since I updated about the fantastic workshops that Kim has available at the @home site..... so here is an update.....

We began the year with a bang....with the 'SEVEN' workshop.....this was a workshop where we created Seven layouts over seven days....it was such a fabulous way to kick start the creativity after the Christmas break.... and each and every layout was different and a lot of fun....
...here are some peeks of my layouts from this class...

So now......the next workshop that is about to spring to life is the Life Snippets workshop.... I LOVE the concept of this class... its an ongoing workshop....that runs for the entire year...so each month we will be creating a layout (well actually we will create two layouts) to help us celebrate the the stories of our life....the little life snippets....
I LOVE that at the end of the year...I will have built up an entire year of memories....photos... and stories...
Kim explains it so much better than me on the site.... click on the image below...and read what Kim has to say....
Hows everyone surviving this heat?......it was 45 degrees today (possibly more)...with an overnight minimum of 30 tonight....and more of this forecast ...no relief in sight .... argh.


  1. Wow Mardi, those layouts are gorgeous, in fact I've just looked through all your recent posts, and they are all gorgeous. I love the one of Bellas first drink and the funny glasses, they're great!

  2. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Hi there Mardi

    Long time - no chat!

    Happy New Year (yes a bit late opps sorry).

    I'm finally catching up on your news. I've not been spending much time online as my job has kept me very very busy over the last few months.

    Now I'm soooo far behind in reading friends blogs it's going to take weeks to catch up again.....lol

    Love all these recent photos, your all enjoying life to the fullest I see which is fantastic.

    I think of you often and am glad to read things are going well. Your new grandaughter is totally adorable. I bet she brings a lot of fun and happiness into your family.

    Bye for now, hope to chat with you online soon. Have a fun week end and try and keep cool.

    Lots of love from Susan (smiles1965) at Scrapboxx

  3. Hi Mardi,

    thanks for thinking of me, just been busy with Life, the new house finishing touches etc, been trying to get the motivation to scrap again ,but since christmas its just been that flat out.
    Loving your recent LOs they are fantastic as usual, i think this snipits sounds awesome now for some time.
    Hopefully back into things again soon :)

  4. grrrrr can u's please have some cooler weather over there?
    So we can have some over here? LOL
    stay cool hun

  5. Anonymous9:35 am

    The sneeks of the classes look fabbo Mardi!!

    Have been keeping an ear out on the weather down south - it's just insane. Really hoping theres some relief for you guys quickly.

    Julie xx
