I realised I havent shared some of the beautiful gifts I recieved at Christmas time.....I was very spoilt this year ..... there is nothing more exciting than a parcel card in my mailbox....then handing it over in exchange for a beautiful parcel.
Ohhh how I love happy mail....

Ill begin with this beautiful parcel from Kim..... I almost cried when I opened it and found this adorable album inside... complete with a variety of ecclectic pages...I immediatly turned it into a brag book ....my 'Anna-Bella Brag Book'.... I love showing off both my album...and Anna-Bella...
Thankyou so much Kim.....its adorable.
Im so grateful for dear friends.....and happy mail....


  1. Anonymous7:37 pm

    What a great use of a gorgeous book. Anna-Bella is just divine, so this is the perfect brag book for you :-)

  2. What's going on with Mr Bloglines - he's not telling me when you've updated! Grrrrr!

    Such a beautiful album Mardi - Kim is one very talented woman!

    Great car too. I can picture you zipping around town in one of those babies!


  3. Lucky you Mardi. What a gorgeous brag book for a gorgeous girl. I LOVE your first lo at 'seven' too btw.So pretty and shabby. Beautiful pic of Briony with AnnaBella.

  4. hi there:)
    I am so pleased that you like your book and that you have already put it to use:)
