
...the challenge was a success...I scrapped.... and had a lot of fun in the process... so...what did I achieve??
this layout using a poor quality photo of Anna-Bella....and her glorious spit bubbles...
Journaling reads "I love spit bubbles.....your latest little trick. You love nothing more than to get a nice chin full of spit bubbles"

old piece of cardstock
scraps of paper form my scrap paper box
a hambly rub-on frame cut in half and backed with pp
some old....really old Heidi grace letter stickers
a word bubble that was cut from a piece of Elsie paper....its been sitting in my embellie bowl for yonks.

...and this layout of the dead fish around the lake...(yep...great topic hey!).... it happened on the weekend that we had Jack...Cooper and Charlie staying...so they were very intrigued by them all.
Journaling reads.."no one is too sure what the cause was...but this week there was a mass fish death in Lake Bonney. Literally thousands of fish were washed up on the shoreline....mainly silver perch and the odd Murray Cod....it was enough to make you cry seeing them all there. It was interesting though....and Jack....Cooper and Charlie all enjoyed looking at them...even though they were starting to smell. Council and groups of locals cleaned them all up and before long the beach was spotless again."


Scraps of paper form my scraps box
Some older Heidi chipboard alphas
a few embellies from my embellie bowl...(groovy)
....this layout of the kids and their cousins wearing the most ridiculous glasses you have ever seen...it transformed them so much I felt freaked out....seriously.
Journaling reads... "You wouldn't believe how much fun could be had with a couple of pairs of silly glasses...we were in stitches....they totally transformed your faces....In fact they almost freaked me out"

Kaisercraft paper
Some left over Hambly rub-on frames...
Scraps out of my embellishment bowl....
paper scraps from my scrap paper box...

...and this layout of Anna-Bella and her first experience with water.... journaling reads....
"What?..... you want me to drink that?..... you cant be serious! .....Anna-Bellas first drink of water... aged 13 weeks."


Scrap of fabric
Cuttlebug cut alphas.... from the reject pile of cut alphas
lace and book paper from a lovely RAK from Kerry.....thank you.
a gorgeous craftymatters birdie... thanks Jane
some bits and pieces from my bowl of embellies....

Not bad for a days effort....


  1. Great layouts love the glasses they are really funny i can see why you got so many laughs from them too.Yor welcome for the rak glad you could use it.Take care Kerryxx

  2. Wowser Missy Mardi these pages are great. Love the galsses layout.

  3. Wowee Mardi! So many layouts! They all look fantastic... I especially love the 'Groovy Glasses' and 'What'... too funny!!

    Sheree xx

  4. Anonymous9:29 am

    theyre all wonderful as always- im so jealous of you getting all that time to scrap....
    is the cuttlebug font the red tag sale one ??

  5. oh Mardi my bloglines hadnt been telling me when you made a post so I popped on over and am thrilled to see all these gorgeous layouts. LOVE them. Thanks for the inspiration. Look at little AnnaBella in that headband. Boy she is growing up so fast. Take care. Leax

  6. Wow you can really rise to a challenge...those LO's are great!!
    Inspires me to use up things...but I always want NEW stuff!!!!

  7. Oh these are fantastic Mardi! And so many. Boy am I impressed!

    Those freaky glasses. You know a scary thing? I know a child who has those eyes for real. Scary!

  8. Oh Mardi you are just way to clever...I love them all...

    Have a great weekend
    Cherie xx

  9. Fab LO's Mardi! I really like how you use your journalling frames, I've got so many but usually dont journal, you've given me some inspiration with the way you've used them as embellishments!

    And love the fabric and all the stitching - Anna-Bella is such a cutie!!

