
11 March 2009

Im off to the Boxx retreat!
After weeks of planning....prep....and packing....its finally arrived.
My classes are layouts are done... instructions finished....Ive made 53 swap tags.... and packed my clothes....I can finally say Im ready.
I cant say Im excited just yet....Im always anxious the night before....knowing I have an early morning start....and then a trip to Adelaide.....before my 10.45am flight.....but I know once I get there.... and check in my luggage ...the excitement will arrive.
I thought Id leave with a couple of sneak peaks from one of my classes.... not giving too much away just yet.


  1. Can't wait to meet you and do one of your classes Mardi!
    I'm not THAT excited yet either but I'm sure once I get to the airport and I'm on my own I will be !!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:05 am

    have a fabulous time
    your sneek peaks look great

  3. Anonymous1:31 pm

    Looks fantastic Mardi! Have an awesome time :)
    Lucy xxx

  4. I hope you have the best time Mardi!!! (i know you guys will) Wish soooo badly i was going. Next time!!! Can't wait to see yr class layouts - sneeks look great! xx

  5. Oh, they look so good! Wish I could have come! Hope you have a wonderful time!
