
- don't stress about events....take them in my stride and enjoy the entire experience....from beginning to finish.

Spent time this morning finishing off Brent's 21st invitations.... sadly....those expecting a handmade invite will be very disappointed.... with time ticking....we realised they needed to be in the post NOW! ...so spiffy store bought ones it is....
As Briony said this morning..... no-one keeps them anyway....

My baby had her first actual driving lesson today..... woohoo!.....she has ticks of competency in her log book now....well done babe..


  1. OMG Mardi, Brent 21 and Briony driving.....how did that all happen so quick.....?

  2. Anonymous10:34 pm

    I totally agree with Donna!
    And I agree about the handmade thing too. Nice in theory but so time-consuming and non-papercrafters might not appreciate the effort ...
    I must admit I tend to save the handmade ones though!

  3. Thanks Mardi, I think I was meant to read #34 - don't stress about events. Have two big things on in the next two weeks one of which is my son's wedding and have been stressing big time due to lack of time. What an awesome reminder, deep breath, take it in my stride and enjoy..... thanks again!!
    Jenny x

  4. Wow 21 already! I have to agree about going with the store bought invitations Mardi. It really does take a lot of time to handmake them and most people will just throw them out unfortunately...unless they're scrappers of course! LOL

    Sheree xx
