
- Eat more home grown vegetables..and of course....grow more.

Well the vegetables haven't been entirely successful this year....two failed attempts at tomatoes.
Cucumbers and zucchinis that just never grew...I'm blaming the intense heat we experienced just after I planted them out....and silver beet that shriveled and disappeared....oh well....
But....the herbs are another story.....they are looking good....



Just a pity I dont like cooking more...lol


  1. Anonymous10:37 am

    Wow don't your herbs look lovely and green!
    Well done :)
    Pity about your veggies - although I agree that the extreme hot weather made it nearly impossible to grow anything successfully...so I think you have done brilliantly :)

  2. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Looks wonderful Mardi!
    I have a lovely herb garden at the moment!
    I am growing tomatoes as well. Will see how I go! I chose them because they are supposed to be easy!

  3. Wow your herbs look so lovely Mardi!

    Sheree xx

  4. jane f8:19 am

    they look better than mine!

    we had more zuccinnis than we could (almost) use! but we had disasters with capsicums, squash and cucumbers- we will have to try again next year

  5. Mmmm that basil looks so delicious. I would have to say that basil is my fav herb. Too bad about the vegies Mardi, keep going though and I am sure in the end you will hae a fabulous crop.
    xx Leanne

  6. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Well done on the herb growing. Yes the hot weather was hard on my seedlings in the vegie garden too but our weather is a little milder than yours I think, so my garden is blooming after a few had to be replanted.
    Nothing beats food taken from garden to plate. I get a buzz every time we eat something home made or home grown.

  7. they look beautiful mardi-i paid 3 bux a bunch for chives, coriander and basil on the weekend and they were very ordinary looking compared to yours! i so admire that you are taking on board your list and what is important to you and just implementing it into your everyday life. yay for mardi!
