June long weekend....

We had a fabulous 'family' weekend when we headed on 'home' for a visit..... I guess that's the worst part about living 'away' from family..... its just missing out on the everyday time spent together....and quite often our visits are rushed....or for a special purpose...and everyone is busy and its hard to just hang out and chat.
Thankfully this weekend was all about that..... doing nothing.... chatting....spending time together..

So Ian, Briony, Brent, Alex, Bella, Brooke and I made the journey down on Friday night (Mitch and Meg headed off in the other direction to Middleton with Megs family).... we stayed with James and Kel and kids on the farm.....
Having grown up on a farm not far from where they live ....I always feel a real bond to the green paddocks.... big trees and livestock.....all the crops in ..... the different coloured earth...and the beautiful stone homes. Totally unlike where we live now..... which is grapevines...red dirt.....and not a grazing animal in sight.

Darling little Evie was so excited to see Bella and Brooke.... Kel said she had been longing for them to arrive all day .....

...and as you can see Bella was pretty happy to see Evie too..... they spent the entire weekend together..... Bella LOVED the freedom..... she roamed....pushing a pram...following a few steps behind Evie.... her little legs non-stop ....
The weather was a little chilly ... love their cute little cold red noses...The boys kicked the footy.....
(and Yep....that's Bella roaming across the 'footy kicking strip'...clutching her pram...
Kel made a batch of play dough for the girls.... and they were entertained for most of the afternoon..... making 'bis-ketti...and beetroot fettuccine'
We caught up with Mum and Dad, David, Jo, Jack, Cooper and Charlie, Judith and Glen, Brad and Carly, Molly, Leanne, Roger and Judy..... lots of visits which had been long overdue.... and sadly there were still more people we needed to visit and just ran out of time to...
All too soon it was Sunday afternoon and we had to head on home again..... Ian and I were both back to work bright and early on Monday morning..... technically not a long weekend for us...


  1. Boy I never realised before how close Evie and Bella are in age! Your brother's daughter and your grand daughter! That's amazing! What a lovely weekend for you all. :) xx

  2. Sounds like a wonderful, relaxed weekend Mardi! What a shame you couldn't stay for that extra day. Love the pics!

    Sheree xx

  3. it looks like you had a beautiful weekend Mardi! I love those trampoline pics!
