Our 2010 - May

What started out as one little layout in January.... has now grown to look like an album... and I'm thrilled Ive kept it up..
Its actually not that hard .... I take the torn off page from the calendar..... my blog posts....and my month of photos on the computer and compile all the dates and events from that..... no fancy journal keeping here...

Wont be long and Ill be doing June.... gosh the year is flying by....


  1. I'm amazed at how fast this year is zipping by! Love your pages...another addition for your gorgeous album!

    Sheree xx

  2. love it Mardi Jan...xxx

  3. Gosh you put these pages together so well Mardi - what an awesome album you'll have at the end of the year!!!

  4. Mardi this is absolutely gorgeous, recording memories like these are just what this scrapping thing is all about!
