A quilt for Brookie....

When Bella was small I made her a quilt for her cot..... nothing fancy....just a little quilt all of her own for her bed.

So of course.....Brookie needed one too.....

Brookes is using some older fabrics that my Mum gave me (see Mum....put to good use) ...and is soft and floral...and pretty.... just like our Brookie.

Next job..... big girls bed quilt for Bella I guess.... it never ends...


  1. It's gorgeous Mardi...you clever thing! Love the mix of fabrics and colours!

    Sheree xx

  2. My mother in law is a patchworker and we are lucky enough to be the recipients of her creations. SUch amazing pices and ones to treasure forever. Love the quilt!! Love the blog!

  3. Anonymous7:21 pm

    Cute quilt Mardi :)
    No it never stops and if it did - wouldn't we all be sooo bored! LOL
