A picture tells a thousand words...

The weather is warming up....
Brookie is on the move....not quite crawling..... but wriggling and rolling  like a pro
'In the night garden' is a permanent fixture on the family room tv
Bella still loves her 'tuppy'
The red counting book lives on

Have a great week all


  1. as much as i think your 'you capture' photography is clever there are just some old everyday shots that say it all don't you think. this is just lovely and bet it will warm the heart in years to come. thanks for sharing beautiful Mardi!

  2. allie6:31 pm

    I agree with Lea, this everyday moment is just gorgeous. I love photos like this showing the kids, the toys, the tv shows. Lovely :-)

  3. I love it Mardi, how perfect! Brookie and Lizzy sure seem to be doing exactly the same things - Lizzy has perected the art of circle-work and tumbling too!
