It was a lucky week - Op shop finds

Ive had a busy few weeks between painting walls....and stitching owls....
Ive also worked...and been a Mum and Nan.

Of course I made some time for a couple of little Op shop ventures though....
Briony and I had a 30min window of opportunity one afternoon and made a dash.

 We were over the moon to find these...
an entire bag of trims for $4.00
I was so excited that I asked Briony to drive home so I could sit and look at them all...

My other little purchase from this store was this gorgeous little green bowl....
I'm thinking its possibly a vase....
I can imagine it may have been used with some floral foam in the bottom to hold an arrangement..
Id love to know differently if I'm completely off track.

Then as I popped to the supermarket one afternoon.....
I was drawn in to our local Op shop....and was pretty pleased with my treasures......
A bag containing these rolls of binding ...score!
Some crochet cotton.....I have dish cloths in mind for this....
Ive already googled the pattens...just need to find the time.

That gorgeous floral sheet that everything is sitting on....

Two ugly candle stick holders....I think I have a thing for candles and holders.....I'm drawn to them...
I can imagine these with a coat of paint....looking quite handsome somewhere in my home.

...and some clip on earings....don't ask because I have no idea what Ill do with them...
but I loved them....and I figure they don't take up any room...
Here's a close up of that binding....gosh..what a find.

and finally.... this red tea / coffee / not sure....pot
I adored the shiny red....with blue inner...
Once I work out exactly what its to be used for....Ill probably use it.

If you would like to see what others have found this week...pop over and check them out at

So that's it for the week... a very happy Mardi.


  1. Hi Mardi, love the trims and sheet. Great finds and Im we will see you use them well!!

  2. What great finds we don't get many good finds here and it's become even harder since an 18 yr old decided that it would be fun to lit the dumpster behind our Salvo's store and sit back and watch the building burn to the ground, It was a sad day for our community.Once again finds enjoy them! :)

  3. Oh Mardi, you've given me a lovely trip down memory lane. Your green vase is very similar to one I remember my great grandma and then my grandma using. It now lives with my mum and she still uses it. It had a metal spikey thing that looked like an inverted scrubbing brush to hold the flower stems in place.

  4. omg lol Mardi you go! I thought I picked up too much this week but I am feeling okay after seeing your goodies. Of course I adore the sheet and the trims! Just beautiful. You have some really useful pieces you'll be able to use in your crafting and sewing. Love the candle holders too! happy week!

  5. Oh those trims!!!! still my beating heart!!

  6. Anonymous11:26 pm

    oh man, you scored with those trims and the seam binding!!! Definitely a good week :)

  7. WOW!!! Fantastic finds! I think you're right about the green vase. I could just see it sitting on a sideboard at Lanyon Homestead with a big flower arrangement.
    GORGEOUS trims and binding!!! You got a much better bargain than me!

  8. Oooh great finds Mardi...especially that binding!!!

    Sheree xx

  9. Wow what gorgeous finds, you really did score well. I recently found some nice trims and vintage buttons, but my op shop was completely free, as it was in mums cupboard. Some of the cards of hooks and eyes, buttons go back to the 50's and 60's when my grandparents had a corner store which in those days had everything and being a country town had a good variety. Love the red coffee pot, the tall and straight sides say coffee, the same as coffee cups have straight sides and tea cups are rounded. thanks for sharing your finds, think I know what I will be doing this weekend lol.

  10. Excellent bargains there Mardi well 'discovered' a good op shop find...I am spending my day tomorrow trawling a few in Sydney - wish me luck!
