Thankful thought - No 4

Ive been thoroughly enjoying Ali's thankful thoughts...
mainly because it prompts me to reflect on some moments that have happened throughout my week. thankful thought No 4..
Was being in the right place at the right time....
and scoring two identical giant Shrek s
one for each of the girls...
Bella's face was priceless...
especially seeing as Shrek'ie is her all time favourite movie at Nan and Pops at the moment.


  1. sweet Mardi! How lucky that you were able to bring two home!

    Sheree xx

  2. Priceless! It's wonderful you are able to share so much in your grandbaby's lives Mardi. Just catching up on your blog. Looks like you had a wonderful Easter.

    PS I still haven't mastered the overlay. I haven't given up yet tho'. Thank you for helping me. I'm not sure where I am going wrong.

  3. Gorgeous Mardi! I am so grateful to you for introducing me to these overlays of Ali's. I've been playing along too and definitely have a nice little mini coming along!
