Feeling a bit like Flat Stanley....

I'm not sure where this feeling came from....
but it arrived....
and I hope it passes.
...Ive had a few things on my mind...

Facebook.....am I the only one who just isn't comfortable with it?
I feel like its a great big party.....and I'm not really invited!
I know....ridiculous!
Its a silly thought...I know that.... because obviously no-one needs to be invited.....
 I know everyone would say.....just jump in .....no-one cares.....
but it doesn't sit right with me....and I cant move past that.
(Having said that......I do pop in and out.....and I have some friends and family who I only chat with through FB....and will continue to)
Does anyone else ever feel this way though?

I wax and wane with blogging...
I love it...
and then I start taking notice of other blogs....and realise...
by comparison....I don't really have that much to offer anymore....
perhaps I would be better to just blog for family and close friends....
and then I get a seed of an idea.....and think...no...
I will blog.... because I cant wait to share this idea...
and then doubt sneaks in...
and I begin to wonder what people really think of my blogging....

Anyway...Ill finish my little 'lala' session by adding.... I'm tired...
and probably blogging after night shift isn't the smartest idea...especially when those who know me will emphatically vouch...."Mardi is NOT a morning person"

This post is not intended to be a pity party....
my question is simply this....
Does anyone ever feel this way too?
(Any suggestions to move past it would be welcomed)


  1. Anonymous9:44 am

    Yep all the time mardi, but please dont stop blogging i love seeing your little creations and seeing whats happeneing in your part of the world, please keep sharing your ideas and inspiration with us all, if not then at least still me ;) lol
    Megan xx

  2. i'm feelin' ya Mardi!! :0) love your blog so keep it up xx

  3. Totally Mardi... I feel the same as you with facebook... and I don't know why either... I have so many friends who are on there all the time... and are constantly asking me to be on there more but I feel happier just popping in only very occasionally... have been on holiday for the past ten days with no computer... thought it might kill me not to be connected...lol but not did I survive really well, I have come back with a whole different feeling about my blog... I will keep it going but it is like I have detached from it in some way if that makes sense... anyways... your blog is one that I always read and love so hope you keep blogging but your post really resonated with me and just wanted to share...

    Jenny x

  4. All the time Mardi!! Flat Stanley is a dear friend of mine!!
    Facebook is a personal thing..you like it or you dont..I love it but find it BORING as heck sometimes. But I live 300km away from my closest family and the rest are over 1800km away so it is a great way for them to see photos and to keep in touch.
    But flat stanley days are okay!!

  5. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Hi Mardi, you don't know me and I don't have a blog because I have this horrible feeling that I don't really have an interesting enough life so no one will follow it. I admire you for putting your post out there because deep down we all have the same insecurities and I think it would help if we all shared them more. I love, love, love your blog, it inspries my scrapbooking and op shopping!! Caroline

  6. Mardi, I've never even seen facebook in action! I already spend way too much time on the computer, I don't need something else to 'check' too! And I LOVE your blog, it is a fave of mine!

  7. Hey Mardi Jane...we all have "flat stanley" days and usually dont know why...fb is fun but you can do it a little or alot, whatever suits you...I love it esp for sharing photos...PLEASE DO NOT STOP YOU BLOG...when your best mates live on the other side of the country it is so good to have regular updates and photos on what everyone is up to...makes you all seem "closer"...love ya...xxx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have a love/hate relationship with FB...LOL. I love that it has reconnected me with some people from my past that I dearly love, but feel REALLY dejected when particular people that are supposed to be close to me (but seem to have no time to talk to me lately) can spend hours and hours on FB updating their status! Hmmm.
    Blogging? Sometimes I think about not doing it anymore, but know that the time will come when I'll love it again, and have more time to devote to it. I love reading your blog, and am often inspired by what you get up to....so please, keep it coming :)

  10. okay flat stanley i too can relate too....fb well you i do get on but i poke around here and there,,,,im happy to take or leave it...i tend not to *chat* to people much as id much rather be by myself or rather choose who i want to talk to iykwim? Blogging,,,well my life is boring as s@*^, and im okay with that however in so saying i dont get alot of people reading it anyway...i feel so awed by everyone elses and it just magnifies how useless i feel at everything anyway scrapping photography sewing crafting blogging ect:) haha.....thats said in a funny way not a sad way.
    So i can relate to your post and i can share your feeling

  11. I am ambivalent about FB, some days hate it, some days get a chuckle. But had to recently unfriend someone who was putting way too much up & felt very awkward about it.

    Blogging should be pleasurable, do it if & when it feels good.

  12. You're certainly not alone there Mardi! I find I just don't have time for Facebook... I just pop in there from time to time. I've often felt the same way you do about my blog too. I struggle some weeks to sit and get a post done! Lol (which reminds me I haven't done one this week yet!) You know I always love visiting your blog so please don't stop! :)

    Sheree xx

  13. lorraine V7:34 am

    I personally love your blog, what you may think isn't very interesting to others, I find inspiration in...the scrapbooking, sewing, crocheting you have shared all triggered a project for me to do. I love that you are honest about how you are feeling on any given day...it makes the rest of us feel normal and can so totally relate.

  14. Ha Mardi not alone for sure. I only do Facebook as my family is in Canberra and overseas.

    With blogging wow I feel that all the time with all your guys blogs, I don't know why I bother. Lol. Please dont I love coming here and checking it all out.

    Hope the doldrums pass by quickly. (:

    M xxx

  15. I hear you Mardi ... I have a Facebook account but never go there, I set it up after my 20 year school reunion as a means of staying in contact with friends ... I do love getting random friend requests but now I have forgotten my password, so I can't respond!
    I enjoy reading your blog, I like your little projects, love reading about your family and your scrapbooking is always lovely. Only those who want to read about you and yours will stop by, it shouldn't be a contest to see who has the most exciting blog ... it's a diary of your life and all the things you love.
    Flat Stanley gets us all from time to time ... go indulge in a few of your favourite things, works for me!

  16. Oh Mardi! When our dear friend Yvette encouraged me to blog all the years ago, your blog was the FIRST I began to read-as well as Yvette's of course:) There have been many blogs come and go from my bloglist but The Love Supreme has always remained a constant. I'll tell you why...
    in the beginnings it was of course your scrapbooking that inspired me..and all these years later, it still does as well as your sewing, photography, other crafty endeavours. I have had many a giggle reading about the Winen crew as well, I have enjoyed seeing and hearing about your precious journey as a grandparent. I like reading about the girls too because with my own little Lulu, I can relate to much of what you share..I appreciate and respect your honesty. I wish I was as brave on my blog. I read in awe of you and your courage as you shared your cancer journey-and shed many tears as I read each post. When you share from your heart it connects people. Truly. I wish I was as brave. Keep on blogging Mardi...but only when you want to.
    PS Is this too long for a blog comment??
    PSS Thank you again for the lovely fabrics. I can't stop looking at that happy yellow floral. BEAUTIFUL!

  17. Hi Mardi :)
    I am a long time stalker *blush* of your blog and after reading your post I just had to leave a little comment. I too feel how you feel about facebook, so you are not alone...I only started a FB account recently because I got a position on a DT and we have a secret squirrel page for the DT members to talk stuff over rah rah rah...but after that finishes you can bet I won't be on there! As for your blog...I LOVE IT! I am always checking for little updates and love following your crafty journey no matter what it is and I enjoy reading about your lovely little family....keep it up :)))
    Take care xx

  18. Anonymous2:51 pm

    please keep on blogging mardi! i enjoy reading the posts about your beautiful family, your travels, your lovely creations and the house renovations. we all have our good days and our bad days. x

  19. I totally get you!
    I feel like that at times to. But keep blogging, you have a gorgeous and very inspiring blog.
    And don't compare your blog to others, make it all about what is important to you.
    As for Facebook, I am getting very close to just closing down my account...

  20. Anonymous10:01 pm

    I used to feel "left out" because I never had a cool blog like everyone else.

    I opened a Facebook account mainly to keep in touch with family members and friends who I never get to see because we live far apart.

    I also enjoy being able to talk to and keep up to date with my friends from the Scrapboxx web site via Facebook. There are many Boxx friends who don't spend time on that scrapbooking web site nowdays so the only way I get to talk with them is via Facebook.

    I still read many blogs and enjoy every new posting you and other friends share. Please don't stop blogging. I would miss your photos and messages a lot.

    Have a great week and keep smiling. Love from Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx

  21. I have only seen this now Mardi. I'm sorry you feel this way, although I can also relate. I have less and less time these days to be crafty, to post online, to share my work (if I have anything to share anymore!) and it's hard to transition away from it all. But I love reading your blog. It's such a warm, honest place to visit. I will miss it if you don't!

  22. Good morning Miss Mardi!
    Well like everyone has said WE LOVE YOUR BLOG.

    You know I love to pop in and see what your family is up to but also love to see what you create..I got to "meet" you when you popped onto my blog many, many years ago and we started emailing and I started avidly reading your blog and getting to know you and your family...and I loved that you had teenage boys too..the same as me - two boys and a girl..I always feel our family lives are very similar...

    So while Flat Stanley was now a while ago and you are now Marvellously Cheerful Mardi again, I am thrilled to see you are continuing with your posts!

    Lotsa love..Kim

  23. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Hi Mardi,
    I am not spending nearly so much time online these days. I do pop into Facebook every couple of days, and usually update my status with the lyrics to a song I'm singing, or add to one of the lists I'm making of favourite things. I mostly went onto Facebook because there was so little interaction with other bloggers - at least with FB I could play Scrabble with my family, and interact with some of my besties interstate who don't scrap, or craft, or write, or take photos. I can understand your feelings of it being like a party you're not invited too. At times I still feel like that but then I realised I don't actually care that much ... I know my friends and my friends know me.
    I hardly ever blog anymore, partly because I am not scrapping and partly because of time and not wanting to live my life online. Also, I feel uncomfortable with some of the judgement that seems to permeate the entries of some bloggers. No one really knows what it's like to be in another one's shoes ...
    Your blog is one of only a very small number of blogs I visit regularly (though there are a handful of others I visit occasionally). I don't always comment but I always love reading what you're up to. I feel connected even though we might not have exchanged emails or anything. Much love to you - and I hope I see you on FB. Looking forward to seeing you in person in December! xx Moi
