My treasures this week....

Just call me the crazy bed linen and frame lady...
Its not my fault...
THEY find me!
they call me from across the store.
I cant resist them...and they know it!

Once again Ive shared my treasures at Flea market finds....


  1. Oooh they look wonderful, I am jealous - wish they'd fine ME!

  2. Anonymous12:16 pm

    LOVE that ornate frame Mardi, it'll come up beautiful when painted!
    Kids are back to school tomorrow so I'm looking forward to doing a bit of op shopping sometime soon... I'm going through withdrawals :):)

  3. Hi Mardi, I have some great finds from the other day...a really cute embroidered cushion:) i will try to remember to post it:) Lots of belts as well, but i have to share those with Zoe:)

  4. I have the TWIN to that sheet :) love the frames, they will look beautiful painted up!
