Some happy mail arrived this week....

I had often seen vintage sheet  FQ swaps mentioned on blogs...
but until now Id never taken part....
So back in March I joined up for my first swap...
very kindly hosted by Kel

and this week....
my package of goodness arrived!!

I wonder what they will become....
little plans are brewing in my head already.


  1. What awesome happy mail!! Can't wait to see what is created with them!!

  2. I love looking at this pic of your vintage sheet fat 1/4's, as I also took part in the swap and am sure I can see one of my sheets in amongst yours :-) Can't wait to see what you are making with yours, I have started to make a patchwork quilt with mine

  3. I am enjoying looking back through your blog...I am sure I spotted a vintage double sheet set (like the yellow one in your fat quarter swap) at our local vinnies, I will have to check it out again.
