Sunday meal planning...

I always spend a little time on a Sunday planning our meals for the week....and then writing out a shopping list.
I usually do it in front of TV in the evening....but today I tackled it early....and then hit the supermarket and bought all the necessary ingrediants and staples for the week.
Its a nice feeling to have it all done....
and definitely makes life easier.

So this week we are having....
Roast beef and Veg
Chicken Korma curry and cauliflower rice.
Pork and Vegetable with a yummy Jamie Oliver mushroom sauce
BBQ lamb and Jamie Olivers fiery noodle salad.
Haystacks - mince and beans with salad and corn chips
 (this was a yummy meal that Michael and Janelle made for us when they were visiting....
.its become a favourite).

Whats on your menu this week?


  1. You have found a new interest :). I do exactly the same thing - write out my grocery list on Sunday mornings and then head out when the shops open at 11am with my menu planned. This week we have thai chicken curry, steaks with peppercorn sauce, and fish cakes on the menu.

  2. I wish I was so organised :o) I do know that there will be a lamb roast on Tuesday (Birthday meal!) and its Spaghetti Bol tonigh and knowing my family there will be a request for a curry or two!!!

  3. Wow your meals sound so fancy, it is usually just veges and a savoury here or haystacks or pasta. I am so glad you guys enjoyed haystacks though, they are a favourite of ours too. Sadly no planning happened here today, maybe one day!!

  4. Anonymous4:14 pm

    Hi Mardi

    I was looking through my cook books today actually and decided I need to make some vegetable soup, meatballs in rich tomato and basil sauce, apricot chicken and curried sausages this week.

    I love these recent photos of your grandaughters. They are so pretty and cute. I bet they bring you a lot of happiness and fun.

    My sister just became a grandma for the first time last week so we are all very excited. I can't wait to take lots of photos and scrap baby girl layouts of our newest family member named Sienna Anne.

    Have a great week Mardi and take care. Lots of love from Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx.

  5. I have to admit that my menu planning happens at the local coffee shop on a Saturday morning while I take myself out for my weekly breakfast treat! The staff and the owners of the coffee shop now know what I do whilst reading my cooking magazines now and ask me what I have planned for the week before I go. This week has been busy though so it was leftover roast pork belly with roasted vegetables on Monday, I made a Beef Massaman curry for the first time last night (same for me tonight) and tomorrow night will be either veal involtinis in a red tomato pasta sauce or alternatively chicken crumbed with parmesan and herbs - just depends what I bring home from my cooking demonstrations at school. My colleagues have already nominated to take the beef korma pie off my hands :)

  6. Anonymous9:07 pm

    can you please share the Haystack recipe?
