...a little more on the birthday girl...

Looking back at the old photos made me a little regretful that I hadn't recorded more of these years.
I wish Id taken more photos...and how I wish... I taken some notes....

Then I realised...
that I should be doing the same now.... Im much better with the photos...
but I still rarely record details....
So here we go..... this is your 18th birthday Babe..

We celebrated with family (just the 10 of us) the night before because I would be working night shift on your actual birthday.
Birthday rules state that the birthday person chooses the meal..... we had chicken parmys...salad  and chips.
Meg made a delicious oreo cheesecake for dessert.....and  Dad made you a cake....or rather he decorated you a cake....this year he went all out and added writing with icing.
We stuck with tradition and used the candles we had on hand...this year it was a 1 and 7 + 1 ...as usual we discussed how we really should buy more candles.
Brookey loved the cake.....she ate three huge pieces and was still looking at it longingly.
Bella was terrified of the knife when Poppy brought it over to cut the cake....we reassured her is was only to cut the cake...but she still wanted us to be very careful...and not to cut her.
Mitch and Meg gave you their present the night before.....Meg couldn't keep it a secret a minute longer..they had bought you a pair of platform boots you had been wanting.
On your actual birthday you woke to more presents...
Dad and I gave you money....and a pie maker so you had a pressie to unwrap as well.
We know how hard you have been saving for a car and an iPhone....so we wanted to help out.
Jarrad spoilt you with a Pandora and some other lovely gifts...
Jarrads family also spoilt you....they bought you the vintage collectors edition of Cluedo....a game that you play a lot at their house. Wendy also made you a huge container of chocolate brownie slice.
There was a knock at the door....and some flowers arrived from Jarrads Nan and Pop as well.
Brent, Alex and the girls arrived to wish you a happy birthday....they had bought you a gorgeous toiletry bag you had been eyeing off.
Hannah called over with a gift.....she bought you the cutest shoes....scarf and a pandora bead....she had wrapped everything seperatley so there was more presents to open....including the shoes.
You also had gifts from friends .... more gorgeous pandora charms to add to your bracelet.
Keryn and Darryl gave you a huge packet of jubes....your favourites..
You bought your first scratchie tickets.... and won $5.00...bummer you spent $10.00 to win it though.
We spent the day cleaning up and setting up for your birthday night with friends.
You played netball in the afternoon.... 
your team played brilliantly and you progressed to the next game in the finals.
I was sad that I had to go off to work...
but you had lovely plans with friends.....you all met at the footy club for dinner....you got a huge surprise when they surprised you with a cake at the club....apparently you were most embarrassed.
(It was lovely of the club to do that.... seeing as it wasn't arranged by us)
After dinner you came home for supper and a few drinks.
We had made sausage rolls, pinwheels, cob dips and the usual chips ect.
You really did have a great day....my beautiful 18 year old girl

1 comment

  1. Aawww! Great job Mardi! I think we all need a kick up the backside sometime to record the details! Thanks for the reminder! :D

    Happy birthday Briony!
