Simplify 2012 and a thrifty Thursday....

My goal this year was to simplify....
De-clutter....organise.....and make life more streamlined.
(I have a feeling I've said the exact same thing over many years.....but this year.... its my priority....its not just another thing added to my bulging list of things to achieve)

So...this week when I wasn't at work.... I was tackling a big one....
My craft room....

I needed to give storage some attention....
I needed to ditch..purge...and donate some of the excess...
and put whatever was remaining into some sense of order. feels so much better already....and I still have more to go....
My shelves are actually partially empty now....
I could actually lay my hands on something if you asked....without having to open and rummage through a dozen different boxes...drawers and that makes it all worthwhile.

 My smaller pieces of fabric are all neatly folded and colour coded....
I have a basket that is exclusively for out-going mail.....and a little pile of sewing projects.

I finally bit the bullet and bought myself some small white filing drawers to try and minimize the ever-growing mountain of papers on the desk.

Then just when I was feeling a little more in control....
and had given myself a stern talking to about the amount of fabric I have hoarded......annnnnnnd had decided that is was essential I de-stash that as well.....

I paid a visit to the Op shop......
 and of course I came home with this gorgeous little pile of fabric pieces for $6.00

and a gorgeous $3.00 well as my very first Pyrex find for $3.50

So.....I felt a little like I took two steps forward and one step back......
but who can resist such beautifulness!!!
Have a super weekend...
Mardi x


  1. Anonymous12:17 pm

    It's good to have a clear out.
    I love your fabric finds this week. The sheet and Pyrex compliment each other don't they?

  2. Oh lovely work on the craft room Mardi. I'm sure it will be much easier to create in there now with a clean desk and a clean head.

    I love your pyrex! I haven't found any NICE Pyrex in good condition at the oppie! I had to buy expensive pyrex on etsy and ebay!

  3. Mardi your room is beautiful! So lovely and tidy. Great oppie finds too!

    Sheree xx

  4. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Looks great! And I would definitely have bought the finds too. :) Need to email you! I will be in touch. Maybe a phone call is in order. :) Moi

  5. What a lovely space...just the place to bring some new treasures into....and what lovely treasures they are.

  6. Brenda12:41 am

    Love your craft room. It feels good to clean and sort through things. Love your new finds. Have a beautiful weekend!

  7. Mardi it is looking amazing, it must feel so good to have a big clean out!

  8. *sigh* your space looks amazing!! Well done doing all the hard work, it's tough, I keep looking at mine. Soon, you've inspired me :)

  9. Anonymous8:29 pm

    Wow, good job! Your place looks amazing! I'm in the process of purging, sorting, and organizing my craft room too so I can do it up in the spring. I have a feeling it's going to take a while!

  10. hi mardi. looks the quilt for vickis grand daughter. Am waiting on a new niece or nephew to make an appearane so i can make them a quilt, going to have to go fabric shopping though as i have nothing suitable:)

  11. Love your work in the craft room, I have started on my messy chaos, but still have a long way to go.

    I know what you mean about op shopping, every time I decide to de-clutter and take a bag to our local, I bring something else back. Hopeless! LOL

  12. Love the changes to the scrap room! What a sweet way to store your fabrics - very inspiring to sew :)
