Wedding - the invites

Understandably wedding plans have taken over our life here at the moment.
I have to say though....its been a lot of fun....its not every day you get to plan and dream about weddings.

If I'm to be totally honest though....there have been moments....overwhelming moments when there just seemed so much to do...
and other times when I just couldn't for the life of me make a choice ...
and I drove the family nuts with indecision.

Luckily Brent and Alex are so easy going.....
they have a vision....but its a relaxed one.....and we have all enjoyed having input....and pooling ideas.
We have shared pinterest boards....  flicked through mags....
and scoured blogs....

...and thankfully its come together beautifully....

I thought I might begin to share some of the details.....beginning with the invitations.

We chose a playbill type invitation..... it suited the 'feel' of Brent and Alex's day.....and we all loved it...
The hardest part was deciding how to put it all together.
We knew we wanted to include 'save the dates'...
and had already chosen a photo to use...
it should be easy hey...but wasn't...
I struggled to get my head around it....and finally.....Janelle came to the rescue and suggested I contact Cath at Paper and Stuff.
Phew....what a relief.... Cath knew exactly what we were trying to achieve...
she supplied all consumables...and designed the graphics...
all we need to do was print and was easy....stress free.....and we were delighted with them.

It only took an afternoon.....

...and we were done... the invites were out.


  1. How very exciting!! Hope everything goes to plan for you all...and you all have a great time..x

  2. They look fantastic Mardi. I hope it all goes off without a hitch and that Brent and Alex have a wonderful day :)

  3. Wow Mardi they look fantastic! You've done such a wonderful job! I'm sure it's going to be the most beautiful, perfect day for all of you!

    Sheree xx

  4. Mardi they look amazing! How exciting :)
