Project 365 - August

 Here she goes....another month....
1st -Gracie with her hair in Rollers courtesy of the Wind hair salon during my visit at Janelles.
2nd - Sadly my little holiday is over and I'm flying home again.
3rd - Bella did a painting at Kindy and decided to gift it to Chris who was leaving the supermarket today.
4th - Ian and I visited the Central markets in Adelaide.
5th -We bumped into Andrew, Petrina, Jack and Jorja at the Caravan and Camping show in Adelaide.
6th -Bella stuck a button up her nose today.....we had a small panic before we eventually got it out.
7th -All the family gathered at Mitch and Megs new home for dinner tonight.
8th -Today I did some stitching for Dudley and Grace....this cushion I gifted to Charmaine.
9th - Bella had a sleepover
10th -We headed off in the camper for the weekend - tonight we stayed in Wallaroo
11th - More exploring on the York Peninsular
12th - After camping overnight in Innes National Park we headed home via Ardrossan.
13th - I had a work training day on our new Mobile data terminals.
14th -Working at Waikerie - reviewing 12 lead interpretation
15th - Ian got his brand new truck this week.
16th -Brookie and I ...selfies
17th -Its a freezing cold and windy day....the power is out all day....we even shopped in the dark.
18th -I watched Mitch play footy - they had a win against Ramco (Ian in Melb for the footy)
19th -A relaxing Sunday waiting for everyone to get home.
20th -Brionys 19th Birthday.....usual family dinner
21st -More stitching for Dudley and Grace today
22nd -Vegies are growing well
23rd -Wild wet and wiindy day at work.
24th -Knitting some teeny tiny cardis
25th -Watching Briony at netball.....this win put them into the finals.
26th - At the footy....this time Cobby was beaten by Ramco
27th -Another day spent on Dudley and Grace goodies
28th - Mitchs Crohns check-up with Dr Wigg
29th -I decided to host a scarf swap on my blog.
30th -Shopping for lunch items at work.
31st - Mum and Dad arrived for a visit on their way home form holidays.