Making time for some crochet...

The temperature has really dropped  these last few weeks...
the days are shorter...
our heater is going 24/7
and  I've been looking for a crafty outlet that doesn't require leaving my chair.

Then ...Alex asked if I could make Brayden a hat...
that was just the motivation I needed....

So....armed with my hooks and  HUGE stash of wool....(kindly gifted to me from my Grandma)...
I set to work...

I chose to make Brayden a puppy hat.... its from a wonderful pattern found here.
"Repeat crafter me" is such a generous site....with easy to follow patterns...tutorials and links.

I think he was pretty pleased....although it was a little on the snug side....oops

Then while my hooks were warm.....I made a Bunny hat for Brookey .

....and seeing as bunnies seem to be her favourite thing lately...she loved it.

Of course.....the orders are rolling in now...
I need to make...
a larger one for Brayden...
a new one for Bella...
and one for Brent...
No pressure of course.


  1. Oh I love the puppy hat I am going to check out that site now and head off to Spotlight tomorrow for the wool.thanks heaps-love dee x

    1. How exciting Dee....I am so very keen to see the finished product too... they are really easy....and very cute!

  2. Oh. My. God. Mardi, these are just so so so cute!! And baby Brayden is just edible, he's adorable!!! I'll be checking out that site too, just need to learn how to read patterns!!! x

    1. They are super cute Hey!! Your beautiful girls would look so adorable in them...and there is a cute owl pattern too. They are a beautifully written pattern... very clear and easy...(a credit to the generous pattern author)... so I hope you wont have trouble reading it....shoot me an email if you are stuck!
      oh and yes....Brayden is lucky to have any cheeks left...I could eat him up!
      Mardi x

  3. They are so gorgeous Mardi, great job!!

    1. Thanks Meredith..... I love a quick...cute project that gives me almost instant gratification...haha
      Mardi xx

  4. They are both so cute! And the hats are adorable, I have that puppy one on my rav cue so need to make it!

    1. They are such lovely little projects to have on the go....easy to pick up and put down....and quick to finish ...perfect!
      I popped by your blog....I like the brown knotty hair best....haha
      Mardi x

  5. they are gorgeous Mardi:) Im crochetting as well, is that even a word? haha if you google granny ripple blanket you will see what im making.

  6. Oh I'd love to see Brent in one!! They are adorable.
