I know EVERYONE would have grabbed their free copy of Jot Magazine by now..
It the Christmas issue and I have heard a lot of buzz about it.. and rightly so.
If by chance you haven't.... make sure you do ...its available here
I am not joking when I say...I get scrapbook envy....
or maybe its a little like OMG how talented can some people be!!
The layouts and projects just blow me away....again and again....
Truly...some of the Jot girls AMAZE me....
I feel extremely lucky to be able to contribute some layouts of my own....
Like this one in the Christmas story gallery...
Its the story of our annual Christmas letter...
...and in the Misting gallery....
.... and a couple in the circles gallery....
a layout to celebrate Bells turning 5..
...and this one of a recent photo of my dear Grandma Lorna and I...