The cold weather has settled in....and the days are shorter...
it means I crave warm...comfort food.... salad just isn't cutting it for me anymore.

So this week.... I  turned my attention to the good old "Thermomix Everyday" cookbook..and tried a couple of new recipes.

Like all Thermie owners...I love my thermomix...and I pinch myself sometimes at how lucky I am to own one.
Just as a plug for their versatility. I wanted to mention....I use it for almost everything I cook... regardless of the recipe. I may just use it to chop the veg... or to make a sauce...or to cook the rice... anyway I can shortcut the cooking method using one pot...I do.
So among other things....this week ...we ate..
Shepherds Pie  (or cottage pie seeing as I used beef mince) - Yummo! perfect cold weather goodness... tasty beef mince with mushrooms and veg...topped with creamy mashed potato.
This made the 'make again' list.

Pumpkin Soup - Well...whats not to love about pumpkin soup...and in the Thermie it took 30mins.

Creamy Tomato and Salami Fettuccine - Pasta isn't often on our menu here... so I wasn't sure about this one....but I had cream... chorizo and tomatoes that were needing using it fitted the ingredient list wonderfully. I have to say it was sinfully delicious.

Beef Rendang - Well there is sometimes a flop...and this was it for me. I took AGES.... roasting and milling the spices... cooking all the batches...following all the steps... including a trip to the supermarket for special ingredients... I served it up...and although I thought it was OK.... it wasn't loved by any means...and I scraped quite a bit of it into the bin. It was designated to the 'never again' list.
I feel that maybe I didn't do it the justice it deserved.

Every Thermomix owner has this book in their far as I know it comes part and parcel with the machine.
I have tried many of the recipes...but there are still some pages with little post-its flagging recipes to try. Id love it anyone has any favourite Thermomix sites or recipes to share.

So... on that note... I am taking a break from my recipe book project for a couple of weeks....but I will be back for round two in the future... thanks again for following along and for the lovely messages along the way.


  1. Love this review!! Homemade lemonade and ginger beer from this book are so delicious! And I love that I can have soft drink again with out all the sugar. I'm planning on making homemade orange-ade too.. That salami pasta is wicked wicked wicked, well off my radar at the moment. If you have a coffee machine but can only heat one cup of milk at a time with your frother, you can do lots of cups worth of milk in

  2. Whoops, not sure why but I couldn't add more writing, so, you can heat and froth lots of milk in thermie too. Apricot chicken risotto style is nice too, but go easy on the ginger.. Chicken and cashews is great too, a clean version, but with the sauce I add extra cooking liquid and less cornflour, otherwise it goes really thick and fluffy, yuck!! I love being at the stage now where I can adapt recipes to suit thermomixing, too good. Yummy banana ice cream, 1 frozen chopped banana, 1 date per banana, whizz til icecreamy

    1. Hi lovely... Thanks so much for popping in ...loved coming home this morning to your chatty message and your findings on the recipes. I haven't tried the homemade ginger beer...and probably wouldn't have until I read this!! I love the Apricot Risotto too... but haven't done the chicken and cashews yet...its one I have bookmarked though. I have had my thermie 9 months now and cant remember life before it...I use it every single day for one thing or another. I am not much of a Varoma user though.... do you use it much??
      Really loved hearing your thoughts and suggestions...
      Hugs...Mardi xx
      Oh and that Salami pasta is ridiculously wicked....I felt like a sinner eating it.... its so not our usual food....but if I am open and honest.... it was bloody delicious and I'm so glad I gave it a whirl..
      I did add extra veg...that makes it slightly more healthy right...haha )

  3. Than top then top with sprinkles of cinnamon and coconut!! Divine!! Gee, I'm chatty tonight, aren't i?? Mwah!!! xxx

  4. Glad you liked your messages(s), I think I kept running out of letter allowance!! I haven't used my varoma much at all,mainly for chicken and cashews, but it would make a great alternative to a chinese steamer for wontons, dumplings, etc.. I have had my thermomix for nearly 2 years, and haven't really used it to it's full potential, but am definitely using it more and more. Our local consultant lady has regular (about 4 times a year) nights that you can go along and get re-inspired. I made pancake mix in ours with my normal mix, just popped it all in, and whizzed up, they were the fluffiest ever!! Love reading about your cooking Mardi!! xxx

    1. Yeah I think some Varoma classes would help me out too...I know they come up occasionally here..but I haven't ever been yet. I made Jamie Oliver pork buns in my Varoma once... and I have steamed veg.... but I tend to just use my saucepan steamer mostly. I also noticed that there was a class being run locally here to make your own personal face creams and products...I was so keen to go but it clashed with something else...I hope to get to that another time too. So much to learn.
