Big Picture classes and Wilna - part 2

So I squeezed in another 'date' with my Wilna class at Big Picture Classes last week...
If you read my previous would know I was feeling a bit meh! and decided some inspiring.. don't have to think too hard... learn a new technique... type of scrapbooking was in order.
I made a pact to work my way through each layout one at a time... I loved week was all about grids...and I found it mostly easy...

Then....along came week two...
it was about Typography..
and I found it a challenge...I managed to complete two layouts that were ok...
the others all ended up in my scrap bin.. oops.


  1. Beautiful layouts Mardi :-) I especially love the '&' in the first one :-) xx

    1. That was my favourite too Meredith....I really struggle with 'messyness' ...she makes it look awesome...mine not so much...haha
