H.O.M.E. ... time for a change..

My number one focus lately has been our home....
I was tired of it... unenthused by my outdated colours...and style..
and feeling suffocated by the amount of stuff I no longer needed...or wanted.

I decided I needed a huge cull....a de-clutter...a change to a simpler style and a spruce up.
I began by a huge clean out... bags and bags of 'stuff' marched out the door to the Op shop...every time the kids pulled up I loaded their car with some more things to take away.
Then the hard part started...
where to go from there.

I was overwhelmed and had no idea where to begin....I loved so many looks...so many ideas...and I found it hard to narrow them down to just one style...plus I was adhering to a tight budget.
(Home decor is low on my spending priorities.... Travel is more important for both Ian and myself)

I enlisted the help of my dear friend Janelle... who waded through piles of ideas... pictures..and suggestions to help narrow down my style.

We started a Pinterest board of ideas...and both pinned away...and jotted notes...
and in the mean time I began the hard labour.

First job was to paint all of my walls white....argh!!
It seemed not that long ago I madly added colour...and now oh how I regretted that...covering those dark turquoise walls took many coats.
I also removed all my timber blinds... and culled some unwanted furniture.

I slowly noticed in the last few weeks a shift in the pins I was pinning...and the magazine pages I was ear marking....I had unintentionally settled on a style that I obviously loved the most.
I'd say it is a simple and earthy style.

I am ever so thankful for Janelle's ideas... I have sent her many a SOS email...
with "what could I do here?"
and she has patiently sent me links... and ideas.. and kicked started many of my ideas.

Now I am well aware Ill never own a show home..and I certainly don't have high end budget...
but I would love to share my decor journey here on my blog.
It can be a place to jot down my thoughts...finds and DIY's along the way.


  1. Anonymous10:39 am

    Mardi, I'll definitely be following along with your decor journey...I'm at a similar stage myself...I just want to get rid of almost everything and change, change, change....will be really interested to see you ideas in action!

    1. There is something therapeutic about cleaning out...changing the look..and freeing of clutter too...it makes life seem lighter...like its not being dragged down... perhaps a weird statement...but that's how it feels.Its lovely to be sharing the journey...Mardi x

  2. So exciting Mardi. I will be following for sure. I crave simplicity & an update. I love Pinterest and it has whole boards there. Can't wait to see what you do. M xxoo

    1. I have often noticed your references to simplifying Mel.... it is such a good feeling isn't it. I think for me...I couldn't have a home without character....but I don't need any excess either. Oh and pinterest has been my worst habit lately...but also the source of my best ideas...I love it.

  3. I have loved EVERY minute of your decorating journey and feel very honoured that you would share it all with me. I LOOOOOVVVEEEE home decor, so it has been my absolute pleasure. You have done brilliantly. I am here for the long haul my friend xx

    1. Oh seriously my friend....I couldn't have settled on ANYthing with out you. I don't know how you didn't lose your cool over my white walls vrs cream trim saga.... haha
      You stuck with me though.
      You have a natural talent with design . and the patience of a saint.
      Mardi xx

    2. Honestly, not for one second did I tired of chatting decorating with you. I have loved every second. This kind of thing gets my heart pumping (in a good way). I can't wait to see the next chapter of your gorgeous home unfold xx
