Europe 2014 -Ambulances - suddenly we began a collection...

Who would have thought I would ever collect photos of Ambulances!

But by the end of our trip I had captured a shot in almost every destination...
so that definitely deserved a post all of its own.

Here goes....let me showcase my collection.
(because I  didn't start off collecting these photos a few of the initial photos 
have been stolen from Google just so the collection was complete.)

Dubai (thanks Mr Google)

Barcelona - Spain

Toulon - France
(also thankyou Mr Google)

Florence - Italy

Rome - Italy

Istanbul - Turkey

Athens - Greece

Venice - Italy

Lucerne - Switzerland

Munich - Germany

London -

and finally Paris, (yep...only just captured Paris....they must be fast!)

....and that was that... our trip was over...
No more grabbing for the camera....fumbling...panicking....every time I heard a siren.. not wanting to miss the perfect shot.


  1. Hahaha we did the same when hubby was an ambo. Now it's fire appliances. LOL.

  2. I love this Mardi. What a variety!
