The Vintage fabric square swap - 2015 - lets get started.

Well it looks as though we have some interested swappers which is awesome.
I am so pleased that we can kick of another Vintage Fabric Square swap.
(I am using the term 'vintage' loosely.... don't stress over the exact age of your fabrics)

So lets get started!!

Please sign up for the swap by leaving a comment which includes your email address at the bottom of this post - or alternatively email me direct via the link in my sidebar.

Once I have your email I can send you the postage details and any other information required.

I think a around a month would be a great amount of time for the swap.....
so please join up over the next couple of weeks and then post off your vintage squares to me by the end of JUNE.

There is no set amount of squares to swap.....
swap a minimum of 10 or as many as you wish....
you will get back the same number of squares that you send.

However I do have a request....
Please sort your squares into stacks of 10 and pop them into a snaplock bag or similar.

That way I can swap 10 for 10 ... which means... minimal counting this end...and a much easier job.
It would be great if the stacks of 10 were mixed... even 5 each of two fabrics would be fine.

Or perhaps 2 each of  five fabrics get the picture...a little variety in each pack of ten would be great...and it would mean that those swapping smaller numbers of blocks will still get plenty of  variety.

Please include a self addressed and postage paid postbag or similar for me to return your swapped squares in.... its easy to work out the postage......whatever it costs to send yours to pretty much what it will cost for me to send yours back.

Start hunting out some fabric for the swap....please make sure it is clean and in good condition and something that you would love to have included in your quilt....that way.....I'm sure everyone else will love it too.

The squares need to measure 6" x 6" and can be from a variety of fabrics or mostly the same.
In our last swap we had an amazing eclectic mix of colours and anything goes other than solid colours or unsuitable fabrics...cotton or cotton blend fabrics would be the best.

Finally.... please spread the word...
The more people we have join.....the more lovely squares we get to swap.
Please feel free to use images from my blog.

Any questions...please shout...


  1. I've done a shoutout on ig

    1. Thanks Char x

    2. I think we have six it should mean we get a little variety..yay!

  2. Hi. Just wondering if it's too late to join in? Is there a possibility that you might run it again in the future?

    1. Sorry you missed out this time Jenny... the swap went really well even though we had very reduced swappers. I am not sure I will do it again. but I could happily swap some with you if you are interested?
      My email address is my sidebar if you are interested in a swap on a small scale.
      Mardi x
