Memos, Mail and Me: Holiday planning again..

(Photo - current desk shot.... just keeping this real!)

I had to sit and think this morning.... what had actually arrived this week... there are always the shopping catalogues (which I am avoiding) ... perhaps my brand new bank card (a shiny new orange one)....and a few beautiful new pieces of artwork loving created by the kids and adorning my fridge.
But where is the story in that..... seeing as I always look upon this prompt as means to telling a story.

It becomes blatantly clear that my story telling is in its infancy when you pop over to Sians Blog and have a read.... I am spell bound by her writing style. Not only Sian....but she attracts a gathering of lovely warm bloggers who all weave fantastic stories into the everyday. I can get caught up so easily there.

So Im trying to be more observant.... and use better choices of words... Im not banning 'nice"..'good' or 'amazing' but Im being mindful not to use them in every description and to let other words have a chance to shine.

Ooops....I slipped off track for a bit....  so back to the memo..mail and me... This last week has been time for some serious holiday planning for next year. Or rather it should have been.... it seems between my shift work and his extra hours at work our planets have barely aligned.

We do have a rough idea.... that includes Alaska and Canada. From all accounts I've read and heard from others that have visited .... its spectacular and we wont be disappointed. I can honestly admit to being excited just looking at the brochure covers. Lets hope this week we get the chance to read the brochures and investigate further...we wouldn't want to miss a 'must see!'... on that note...if you have any suggestions or experiences I would love to hear.


  1. I am there with you thinking & always enjoying the tales of Sian, she is masterful in her style. Two other favourites that I have are Alex at Trimming the Sails & Lady Ella at The Flowers of Progress. Both of these ladies weave a tale.
    Alaska is beautiful & right now our Canadian tourist board is pushing The Yukon, which is right next door to Alaska. It's also Canada's 150 birthday this year so there will be lots of events happening. I will source out the link later for you but this year entrance into the National Parks is free!

    Oh yes, your tales are a delightful read ... Happy Week ahead.

    1. There is no doubt that Sian has attracted a wonderful flock of artistic bloggers with her blog prompt....thankyou for the heads up of some more lovely story tellers to add to my blog travels.

      Thankyou so very much for the holiday information.....the Yukon is one of the places we have sketched into the loose plan... the more information we gather the more exciting it becomes.

      Mardi x

  2. You are too kind! But thank you very much :)

    Alaska sounds so exciting: you'll be able to get lots of incredible pictures to go with your stories there. Happy planning!

    1. Its so true....every word x

      You know....its not a part of the world I had considered until the last year or so...and I have heard so many tales of how scenic and rugged it is....I will have to remind myself.. "what would Sian be observing here" ;)

  3. This is the link for getting a free pass to the National Parks for Canada's 150 birthday celebration;

    1. Thankyou for the link.... I am thinking by the time we travel it will be 2018 so we might miss the deal but I have had a lovely click around on the Parks site.. there is so much to see!

  4. How exciting to be planning another awesome holiday to an awesome destination. A cruise in the area would be amazing. Something on my bucket list. I spy a half used ball of t-shirt yarn in the background of your photo??? And what has Marnie being making? (I have 2 of these in my stash ready for a project)

    1. I know....its still a year away.... but the excitement is building now the plans are taking shape. Very observant Sue...haha Ive been using it for macrame actually...I have a wall hanging in progress... I love the texture of the yarn.... but I think I would use it more for crochet in the future... its a little stretchy for macrame... but its nice to experiment. So tell me... what project are you planning?

    2. I'm itching to make little baskets with it. Two toned. I bought pink and grey. Pinterest has lots of free patterns. So cute.

    3. That sounds so lovely..what a great idea. x

  5. Ooooh Canada, with Chelsea there until toward the end of the year, Capri, Debbie and I are hoping to meet her over there later this year.. and spend some time there as well as a few other places in the US..but we will see! Canada looks just beautiful!
