Currently #13

Thankful for -  a recent visit from Mum and Dad... even though I feel guilty that poor Mum spent every afternoon in the kitchen ...can't beat Mums cooking.

Reading - "first we make the beast beautiful' by Sarah Wilson  - love that it has side columns for notes.

Watching - Finished Narcos .. now almost finished 'Better call Saul'... what next?

Inspired by - Sandra at Pretty Paper things... just so pretty..sigh

Making - Macrame..e.v.e.r.y   s.i.n.g.l.e   d.a.y. 

Paper crafting -  Project Life... an Easter Mini book....and a little sneaky project.

Focused on -  just getting the washing done..

Hoping to - make some darn photo-books that have been on my to-do list since February.

Learning - To trust... have faith and take chances.

Wearing - black pants and a new top... about to head out to dinner for our 30th wedding anniversary.

Drinking -  Wine..white.

Wishfully wanting -  Warm weather and the book "The art of the natural home' by Rebecca Sullivan

Planning- Holidays... two months of Motorhome travel...only months away now.


  1. Wow, 30 years. Congrats. Hope you had a great dinner.

    1. Aww thankyou so much Natalie... its a milestone for sure. In some ways it feels like no time at all...and then we look at all that has happened in that feels a lifetime.

  2. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary - in today's culture that is an amazing feat of endurance (lol). Always enjoy your currently list - I think over the summer this may be my Monday morning check ins ... thanks for a few book referrals, always looking to see what others are reading & enjoying.

    1. I love a good book referral too.... some of my favourite reads have been found that way. Ill be looking forward to reading some Monday check-ins..
      Have a great weekend ahead xx
