December Daily Day 10 and 11 and 12

In my efforts to catch up the dates seem to be getting away from me.... so tonight I will post my last 3 pages which brings me up to date.... well technically Im a day behind...maybe Ill catch that up tomorrow....or maybe I wont.

Day 10 began on the back of my four pocket spread..... and alongside was my little homemade version of a 2x2 pocket page.
I decided it would be the perfect spot for my 'markets adventure' story.... and I printed a full size photo of a macrame piece and cut it to fit the 2x2 pockets.... just as Ali has done this year with her Christmas wrapping spread.

Ali manages beautifully executed squares in her pockets.... mine...despite all being cut 2x2 seem to come in all shapes and sizes. I am not stressing it though.... its totally OK.

Day 11 also incorporates the 2x2 square format....this time I just filled the squares with papers...and dedicated one small square to journalling.
Opposite I cut a full size photo down.... its of the Santa I bought this year to add to our collection....its a tradition I add to each year...and this one is very handsome and plump.

(Just noticed the photo below has a piece of paper stuck to a pocket...Mmmm...must get that off)

 Finally for today is Day 12 ... yeah it was tricky working on the back of a Santa shaped page...but I managed to utilise it as part of the 'letter to Santa' story.
A simple 4 pocket spread alongside leaves room for each of the kids and the journaling to match.

I did feel like I rushed the last few pages this week..... the excitement of actually getting up to date meant I didnt pay quite as much attention ....its time to slow it down a bit now...and get back to the enjoyeement of the process.

A lot of my bigger stories have been told throughout this week so Im pretty excited about capturing some of the smaller special moment...