Simply Loving These #4

Here goes with another little list of 'loves' from the interwebs....
(This image - credit to Jenni from the I SPY DIY blog...please check out her is delicious! )

From Bloglovin - an article on the I SPY DIY blog.. gosh...sigh! ...its impossible not love this. The decor ... those tiles... the gorgeous matching amber bottles...and those labels. I immediately felt inspired.

From Instagram - I know this one wont be new to many of you....  but check out Theresa at Rummage Style ...her clothing range sewn from upcycled / vintage and new fabrics is so unique and I'm about to own my second piece.

From YouTube - Exploring Alternatives  I binge watch these episodes ... I love 'tiny homes' I WANT a 'tiny home' ... so these episodes really appeal to me. We need less... not more.

From Pinterest - I stumbled across an Eczema Salve recipe using essential oils.... this lead me to the awesome blog by Sarah called 'One Essential Community' ..Sarah generously shares some fabulous DIY ideas and printables. 


  1. That bathroom!! LOVE! I always look forward to your sharing posts Mardi, you find the best things. x

    1. Awww thanks Mel.... I do love having a place to share these little gems...
