Simply Loving These #10

Its time for another Simply Loving Post .... you can read all the previous Simpy Loving Posts HERE

  1. I love everything that the beautiful Sue Ko  shares.... just her Website introduction calls me in.... Sue Ko - Ink Brush Paper Photography Kindness.  (Kindness... yes!)
    Sue has been a lovely Instagram friend of mine for some time....but just recently we have shared more conversations which I have treasured. I am so grateful for her guidance and generous gift of her knowledge.
    If you don't already.... jump on and follow Sue on Insta at suekostudio
  2. Still on Instagram....  please check out Chasing Rainbows - Store .... gosh my heart has been with this beautiful couple as they navigate all the ups and downs to begin their family. I have had my heart stop with excitement... and also my eyes well with tears as I have read updates on their  IVF journey. I love the Chasing Rainbows store!
  3. On Netflix.... have you watched HEAL yet?
    At the end of last year I was introduced to the world of Joe Dispenza.. so having listened to a number of Podcasts by Joe... this concept wasn't new. But...what a powerful and inspiring collection of interviews.... it made me feel like there is hope beyond any diagnosis.... but also that I need to get my stress under control as soon as possible. I wold love to know you thoughts if you have watched it.
  4. Check out 'The Healthy Patch' makes me all buzzy I want to rush out and plant more gardens... but then I remember back to my last foray into Permaculture... and I was pretty dismal. They do run an online course though... so maybe thats something I'll consider down the track..
  5. You may recall I mentioned I was feeling the urge to sew a quilt again? .... Well my lovely friend Janelle suggested the Meadowland Quilt by 'Then Came June' I took a plunge and bought the pattern.... I've been loving it actually. Its nice to sew again after such a long time away. 


  1. I am part way through making Meadolwland quilt. I started in June last year, aiming to make a king sized quilt. I really need to get back to it as I only need a few more squares!!

  2. Oh my goodness just noticed your block at the top!! Please share some more when you can. Totally different colours to mine but I really love your fabrics!!
