My new camera

Ok....Ive got heaps to learn but already Im loving it...I love the quality of the photo even when a complete novice like me points and shoots.
The one thing Im having a little trouble with at the moment is where and how I store these new photos in my computer.
I was so used to my Olympus camera and the software which stored all my photos in nice cosy little folders........this camera seems to lob them all into 'My pictures' and at the moment Ive just got the photos in folders according to the days they were downloaded..I hate mess...even if its digital mess.

Actually............If anyone has a Fuji camera (Im sure many of you do) could you please tell me how you organise your photos on your computer.

Im back at work today.....and I guess its ok. Its like enforced brain gets an entire new set of problems to stress over and everything else doesnt really matter.

Thanks everyone for your comments on my "feeling the pressure" post....... I think as working mothers (and SAHM) gets hectic at times. I get so tired of the constant cleaning, the mountains of washing and ironing, the taxiing kids with Brent working..Ian and I are juggling the one car as Brent has the other....the appointments for everything known to man..chiropractors, dentists, doctors, hairdressers..blah blah, sporting practice (every night except Friday), committee meetings, team meetings, social events (when I feel more like curling up in my trackys), the extra children in the house (up to 5 nights of the week at the moment), the guilt over not phoning or catching up with people.....and I could go on and on...this is the 'stuff' we all deal with everyday of our lives...this is the stuff that adds pressure to life.

I also want to finish with a couple or Congratulations.....

Kathie L.....for her DT position at FK and her beautiful layout(Im sure everyone has probably known this....I must have been on another planet)

Jane F.....for her gorgeous layouts in the 'introducing' section of FK#44 I havent had a chance to completley read this mag if Ive missed anyone..please accept my apologies.

Thats all for tonight....Mardi x


  1. Thanks Mardi! Wow, how exciting. A new camera. Have fun with it!
    I love your scraplifted layouts - what a great idea. I might have to try that too. I wouldn't have twigged that they were the same design if you hadn't have said anything - they look so different from each other.

  2. Mardi...I have a Fuji.
    When they upload to 'My pictures' I rename each photo (by selecting the ones taken on the same date, in order of course) to the date they were taken. This then renames them 21st January 2006 (1), 21st January 2006 (2) ect. Then i cut and paste them into each seperate folders that i have made and remaned. (eg: Madelin 2005, has in it Jan through to Dec folders.)
    Ok, so now i am confusing you!
    I'll bring my laptop sometime for you to see...very easy if you organise them as you upload tham to your computer!
    OK..i'm shutting up now..

  3. Thanks Belinda...I will have to get you to show doesnt sound that confusing at all kind of sounds how I have my others stored in Camedia...I just loved having them seperate from 'My Pictures' because thats where the kids keep all their pictures and Im always nervous they might accidentally delete something....that reminds me of the five words I dread the most "it was only an accident!"
    Mardi x

  4. Cool..a new camera..and a Fuji! I got a Fuji for Xmas and I'm lovin' it! I loved my old digi camera but the Fuji rocks for clarity of pics doesn't it?
    I had the same prob with mine when I got it..the pics were going everywhere but I can't for the life of me remember how I worked it out..LOL If you can't get any help with this let me know and I'll try and remember.
    Have fun with it.
    Sharryn :)

  5. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Happy Birthday, Mardi, and I hope you had a lovely day. Your camera, takes awesome shots, you are going to have a ball.


  6. hi Mardi
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! i hope you were spoiled rotten, and tok lots of photos on the new camera!
    Thanks for the mention about FK, it is a huge buzz!

    j, did you give the Banrocks a whirl for your birthday LOL

  7. Happy Birthday Mardi - I really hope you had a lovely day with your family. Enjoy your new camera too - very exciting. I think Kim Archer has had a Fuji for a while and I am sure she would be happy to pass on any suggestions... Have fun taking lots of photo's x Janelle
