Naturopath visit....2

Be warned this may be you may not want to read between the brackets (((I went back to the Naturopath today ....Ive been religously taking my gut cleanse...and have no ill effects at all anymore....she did say today that sometimes there is a period of a few days that it makes you a bit Im guessing thats why I was yuck to start with.
I am to continue with this for another two weeks.....and then she will review me...... I hope Im all cleansd by then.....I am not prepared to take this too much longer...not to mention the cost.
Todays visit was all about nutition and an analysis of my body and weight.....not so good news in this department...sob sob. I did learn a few things.....
1....I have a large frame...even though Im my ideal weight is actually a lot heavier than I always wonder Ive ALWAYS struggled to acheive my ideal weight....and never did!
2....... I am 11 kilos overweight...and actually the heaviest Ive ever been....sniffle sniffle.
3...... my body is aging faster than my age....Im currently 46 years old by my body...FREAKING OUT!
4.......I have nearly double the percentage of body fat that I should....waaaaah!!!
5........ I have above average muscle mass and at least one little thing was in my favour.
6....... all of this is repairable.... and she has given me real encouragement....and wonderful advice.
Funnily enough...I always thought I pretty much knew about nutrition...Ive studied it briefly...Ive read every diet book written by man...Ive tried a number of diets.... and Im fairly aware of the food groups and kilojoules os foods.....but I left there today with a totally different spin on the entire nutrition and healthy eating thing...Im still absorbing it. My thinking has been changed forever.
So Im due to go back in two weeks...... hopefully I will have improved slightly and Im heading in the right direction....quite seriously....even though Id love to lose some weight....Im more focussed on getting my body healthy.....I want it to be the same age I am.)))))

Have you ever had life planned...and the a spanner is thrown into the works?....well this was me yesterday. I was thinking to myself "lovely more night shift and then days off"....I told Ian "dont worry about the messy house...Ill clean on my days off"...... only to find out...Ive only got two days off this rotation.....Wahhhh!! So today Ive managed to fit in heaps....Ive been to a meeting at the school at 8am .....Ive cleaned, mopped, vacuumed, washed ....been to the Naturopath in Loxton..... met a friend for afternoon tea..... shopped for a gift.... picked up forms from the high school for Brent....chased a tax pack down for Brent tax.....dropped some stuff into the jewellers for repair....caught up with a committee member to arrange some meetings......driven to Renmark .... shopped for socks and board shorts for Brionys school trip...... dropped Ians trophy in to get the' balls' put on it......stopped at the LSS for supplies..... folded....ironed .... sorted the mail and paid bills.....had visitors for coffee.....and updated my Blog.

Sorry...this is ultra boring tonight...Im in such a rambly mood....

Briony leaves on her school trip on Monday morning....she is off to the Grampians....I will miss her....probably not as much as Mitch...Im sure he will mope all week.

I just want to mention an event happening in the Riverland on November 25th......called the Riverland Scrapping Spectacular.... Im really looking forward to this date....we are so lucky to have Tracy Watson, Samantha Dorn and Donna Wild attending for workshops and a crop will be a full day..... check out the Riverland Scrapbooking Supplies site for more details and bookings....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

...and finally my layout for
Memory Bugs this month...using the paper loft papers was amazing to see how different all the layouts were .....

Well...I dont think I can fit even one more thing into Im off to bed.
Mardi xx


  1. Hugs to you Mardi!
    You ramble on all you want... I will always read it.

    I know how you feel. I am looking and feeling A LOT older than I am. It really stinks. I too weight more than I ever have in my life. So keep in mind you are not the only one. I am just a jump across the pond.

    Gorgeous design Mardi! WOW! I am loving the EYE CANDY!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Wasn't boring at all hun! Good on ya for doing the whole gut cleanse thing, I'm doing similar.

    Good news that all the bad stuff is repairable!!!

    Love the layout, gorgeous pp!!! And a lovely photo too *smiles*

    Have a great Saturday
    Love n Hugz

  3. Anonymous1:13 pm

    I am impressed with how much you have been up to lately. What a women!

    I am also impressed at all the info your natropath provided you with. I am pleased everything is repairable and she gave you real encouragement and advice. wish you all the best for a healthier future.

    There are so many of us who need to do things to improve our health. What a good role model you are:)

    I love this layout, excellent photo, design and colours as always. Your work really inspires me.

  4. I LOVED your DT layout! I found those papers so hard and you and the other girls did awesome jobs!
    I'm very interesting in what you say about the Naturopath. I'm seriously thinking of seeing one myself... Mainly cos I'm always tired and don't have much energy.

  5. HIya Mardi,
    Wow,wow,wow - you have been a busy beaver lately! LOVED the layout, looks fantastic and such a great pic.
    With your determination and what sounds like a great Naturopath who explains well you should be up to the stage you want to be in no time.
    (ps sorry for the slight hijack - just want to thank you for your last post on my blog.......your words really were a godsend and a real big help/understanding for me, really wanted to let you know how thankful i was for them )

    take care

  6. Wow Mardi, you are the busiest Lady I know, I don't know how you fit it all in.

    I think there is a lot of women out here that can identify with you on the weight and age issue, a sad fact of life, that we all need to tackle. You can be our role model and inspire us all to get motivated.

    The LO is fab........ (as always)

    Take care
    Cherie xx

  7. Hey Mardi ur blog could never be boring luvvy! U make me tired just reading ur blog...make sure ur looking after urself. & by the sounds of it ur on the right path with ur cleanse diet.
    Have a rest

  8. Hi Mardie,

    Superwoman allert!!! Geee wizz you got a bit done in one day. I just love love love that LO I really wanted to scrap yesterday afternoon but went to my sister inlaws. (It's nice to have a least on friend on this side of the world)But after seeing your LO I think that i'm defintly going to scrap this arvo.

    Have a great week!

    Lauren x

  9. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Wow, you must have been just a whirl of dust, getting all that done in one day. Whew! I got tired just reading through it all, lol.
    Good on you for having the discipline to stick with the gut cleanse and to be determined to be healthy.
    Oh, and I think I forgot to say it last time, love the new "do"!
