Saturday morning....

Quickly let me start with...what a funny...funny ...funny time I had last night at the Boxx live girls are really the greatest bunch.....and I was laughing out loud!
Its like sitting around in a lounge bar somewhere...with rapid conversations happening everywhere...your head is are not sure which conversation you are participating need to read FAST...type FAST....aim for minimal spelling errors.... plan a wee break...try to keep the laughter down to a dull roar...and get to bed before the sun comes up. I just finally would like to add how much Im looking forward to my Spit RAK..... Robbie comes in December!!!!

Then this morning I received the greatest , newsiest, bestest email from my friend Donna......THANKYOU so much...I love hearing what is happening...and this was just wonderful timing.

Well..... just running on from yesterdays post...Ill give an update on Brent car saga!

This is the poor car...looking all forlorn in the garage.... yesterday Ian managed to get a new headlamp and indicator at the wreckers and so after work the repair job began.....

Mmmmm...nice potting mix shirt...typical Brent at the end of the day.....Im guessing Ill never need to buy potting mix again.... not with the amount I sweep off the bathroom floor each night. Anyway this is Brent deep in concentration during the repair......

and here it is this morning...after many hours last night......I think they have done an awesome job and although its not pretty it is certainly legal and driveable now. I guess its only a cheap car....but it is essential for Brent to travel the 360kms a week to and from work. Well hopefuly thats the end of that saga......

I managed to get a little more scrapping done yesterday....this one is of Briony and her recent love of Text seems such a shame to delete all her heartfelt messages, she puts such a lot of time into Ive included four recent messages on this layout...and I ve started a mini-book to record all my favourites along the way.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Well Im being hassled off the computer by Brent..... so thats it for today...I just want to mention that my lake layout from yesterday looks very bright (my cr@p scanning again)....the yellow is not fluro is the BG paper and a very soft creamy yellow....

Mardi x


  1. fantastic topic to scrap....another great layout it

  2. Hi Mardi! Fabulous layout!!!
    What a bummer about the car - although they have done a fab job fixing it!
    Take ggod care,
    Lus x

  3. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Hey Mardi

    Great layout - congrats on the next round of the boxx DT. Love the pics of the car - can't wait to see your layout on the great job the boys have done.
    Take Care
    Chrissy (gumgully)

  4. Anonymous5:08 pm

    OMGoodness, the car is not looking good, I hope everything goes well with it all. Love you gorgeous layout, good luck with the Box DT, I will keep my fingers crossed.

  5. The car looks heaps better, they have done an excellent job!
    Love your layout and good luck with the DT> :)

  6. hi mardi
    I dont check blogs for a day and a half- and look what happens. thant goodness Brent and his friend are okay- i was in a car once that almost hit a kangaroo, it happened so fast, and it was lucky we missed it ( or it missed us). Im glad they managed to fix the car and get it back on the road too
    Love your Layouts too- I hope chloe sends me nice Text messages too when she is old enough.
    hope the rest of your weekends a bit calmer-

  7. Wow...Brent and Ian did a great job fixing the car didn't they? Looks so much better.
    Last night was a funny night in the chat room wasn't it? I had so much fun and I love reading your description of what it's've described it exactly. I snuck into bed last night but Michael had heard me laughing out hear so I was busted..LOL
    The Text LO is just gorgeous. I also love receiving messages from
    Rhiannon and have a few very special ones on my phone from her that I just can't delete.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Take Care
    Sharryn :)

  8. I love this layout so much (I know I know, I've told you already!).
    Sounds like the Boxx chat was fun. I've never done anything like that.
    Good on Brent and Ian!

  9. Hey pussycat :-)

    Thank goodness car is fixed and driveable again
    Love the layout, as per usual it is GORGEOUS.

    Had a great night chatting with ya last night, I haven't laughed that long and hard in well over a year.. was just what I think we all needed!
    Have a great Sunday hun
    Love n Hugz

  10. What a creative topic to scrap! WOW!Just gorgeous as always! I love it!

    Good luck with the DT!

    Sending you well wishes from across the pond.

  11. Love your layout as usual Mardi.

    Thanks for my idol congrats too.

  12. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Jar is nearly full ..... still working on it - but soon, very soon.
    Definitely in time for Robbie!
