Quickie tonight...

..this needs to be quick...I needed to be asleep and hour ago.....Im so cranky in the mornings...lol
*thankyou so much for the lovely comments on my new blog banner ...you have no idea how amateur I am at this...so it really is lovely to find that not everyone sees all its faults....and Fleur..Ill drop you an email.

* If you havent already...check out Kim Archer's Blog .... Kim has launched her wonderful Christmas Extravaganza online classes....and believe me.....these are a real treat....such gorgeous ideas and fun projects...I wont say anymore...just check it out for yourself.

*I purchased a Christmas hat today...lined the kids up outside...and got some great shots of them...even if they were all secondhand from the day ...and wrestling with each other the entire time. ...pity about the pink tshirt with the red hat...Briony was just about to swim in the pool.... but I had to take advantage of Brents compliant mood...lol ...Mmmmm must make a note to book hairdressers appointments!

*This Saturday is the Riverland Scrapping day....I am so excited...I have prepared some projects to scrap.....hoping this way Ill actully acheive something..... first project a mini book of our Port Lincoln holiday.

* Last but not least...my final two EDM layouts.....

Goodnight...Mardi x


  1. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Loving the layouts Mardi. May just go over and check out Kim's class. I've been thinking of taking my first one ever.

  2. Anonymous10:43 am

    Yeah, add me to the list of people who love the new banner. I can't see any mistakes, lol! I have no idea of how to make a banner, let alone how to put it onto my blog. That's why its blank. So I'm in awe of yours :).

  3. Yep the new banner is just awesome Mardi - clever chicky you!
    Awesome work with the layouts, they both look fantastic. Great pic of the three kiddo's as well - turn it black and white and the pink won't be an issue - though i do like it like that - love red and pink together lol.
    take care and hope you caught up on some rest.....

  4. Anonymous1:56 pm

    your kids are gorgeous. i can't believe you are a mum to teenagers. you look so young:)

    great layouts!

  5. Just gorgeous!! Those are 'Mardi' Style LO's all the way!

    And I'm booked in for Kim's classes ... gave myself an early birthday present!! Can't wait!!

  6. Just gorgeous!! Those are 'Mardi' Style LO's all the way!

    And I'm booked in for Kim's classes ... gave myself an early birthday present!! Can't wait!!

  7. Anonymous9:10 pm

    Wow Mardi, you banner is unreal, and the photo, wow !! looks amazing.

    Kims class looks like fun, I wish I had time to do it.

  8. Mardi...that banner is not ametuerish by n e means, trust me....just look @ mine ROFLMAO!!!
    Beaut. lo's.
    & I agree take the chance with photo's....especially if the subject isn't so willing...IYKWIM?

  9. Anonymous11:37 am

    You're EDM lo's are just divine, chicky! That is going to be one heck of an album.

    I too L-O-V-E the new banner. What an awesome photo.

  10. Lurveeee the LO's Mardi.
    Ooohhhh, so excited about tomorrow! Not many hours to go now!! lol

  11. Anonymous5:20 pm

    OOhhhh Mardi LOVE the layouts and your banner is BEAUTIFUL!!!

    have a great weekend


  12. Anonymous10:40 am

    Mardi your banner looks great - and so do your layouts! I love that you are so amazingly clever with colour. Your layouts are ALWAYS delightful!

    Megan xx
