Fixed....well kind of...

.....blogger I mean. ...pity the banner ended up where it is.... but tough! (thanks Megan and Michelle...for all your blogger advice.....much appreciated)

Now......check out these chicky babes !!!!
I met up with Allie and Belinda (....Marnie, Madelin, Makenzie and Briony were there too) in Renmark on Saturday.....we made a visit to Riverland Scrapbooking Supplies
and then off to the Renmark Club for lunch...... we ended up staying there all afternoon...chatting, laughing and ordering coffees..... I had a wonderful day....and I hope we can do it again soon.

(oh...and I had to b&w the photo...beause my face was a beetroot..... not Allies or Belindas...just mine!! ... so typical.... I have a very red complexion..LOL)

Mardi x


  1. Look at you gorgeous girlies, glad you had a great day.

    And glad you fixed your blog.

  2. Fabulous photo Mardi, doesnt Belinda look fabulous! And she just had a baby! You all look gorgeous!
    Love the new banner.

  3. 1. You're welcome :-)

    2. Your blog looks awesome!!!

    3. That is a beautiful photo of you three lovelies having a fabbo afternoon. Wish I had of been there too!

    Megan xx

  4. Looks like you had a fantastic day Mardi glad to see youve got your blogger working again, that Megan shes a gem with this thing isnt she

  5. Anonymous7:28 pm

    ooh, sounds like you had fun!
    must have been a scrappin, catch up day, I was with Katie, shirls, and quite a few others on saturday- and I met Fleur too.
    loving the photo, and glad youre on top of your blog again- glad someone could help you with it, cause im hopeless at that kind of thingLOL

  6. Wow the Boxx retreat is next week! You will have a ball. Wish I was going too!

    Your new banner is great. You're more adventurous than me! Hey... are you trying to tell me something? I'm not in your links anymore :(

    PS - I'm a beetroot too.

  7. oh wow its a great photo of you all....
    Im coming up mid march
    so if you wanna catch up for coffee (I would love it) ill be in the riverland on the 10th and 11th of March...

  8. Anonymous6:54 am

    Your blog is looking good Mardi, and that photo is just lovely of you all.

  9. Wow some ones fancy shcmancy!

  10. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Love the new banner. The photo of the three of you is gorgeous. Glad you had a nice day.
