where did the week go??

...its just flown by thats for sure....and thankfully the kids are almost on holidays..Yee Haaa!!....I do love holidays...no morning rush...no uniforms.... no alarm clock....

...of course there is the downside.... more mess.... more washing... more arguments....no peace and quiet... but even that doesnt outweigh how much I love holidays!!

...so I couldnt have days off and not create something .... so I got busy today and scrapped the 'Scrapjacked challenge' ... this month Erica Glover was the 'Jackee'.... and so although Im sure mine looks nothing like Ericas original...it was fun and I do like my layout.

I also took a bit of inspiration from the lovely and talented Janelle and did a little stitching..... I made Briony and Alex these cushions.... I cant take all the credit though...Briony stitched all the yo-yo's....and is now stitching some more for a bag I am making.

I havent sewn anything for so long (although once upon a time I sewed all the time)..... my machine almost died when fabric passed through it...it is so used to cardstock nowdays....

Mmm...what else can I add ....

*Brent is loving his week at Toyworld.... he has been constructing cubby houses, bikes, facing shelves and even assisting customers.... its right up his alley.

*I had Mitchells teacher interview tonight...lets just say he passed ok...but needs to apply himself more....apparently he makes everything into a comedy... and doesnt apply himself as much as he should.... but they attribute it to his personality and recognise that it may be difficult to change..... I have been hearing this for 11 years.... is there hope??

*a rat died in the laundry wall cavity!! (sorry you probably didnt need to know that...but just be thankful this isnt smell-a-blog!)

...as you can see Im scraping the bottom of the barrel for news.....so I think its best I head off to bed...

Mardi x


  1. Oh Mardi I LOVE your LO - it is totally GORGEOUS!!! AND YAY about your stitching - it is SO fun don't you think. I am so glad to have shared a little of the inspiration your way - I can't wait to see what you stitch and scrap next.

    eww about the rat - what can you do about that one? The smell must be gross you poor thing.

    I loved your news even if you thought you were scraping the bottom of the barrel...
    xx Janelle

  2. Anonymous6:58 am

    hi Mardi
    love the LO- gorgeous colours.
    we are about to finish our holidays- and i have enjoyed it, but glad to get back to the routine now.

    love those pinwheels too, ive done them in paper on a layout- easy to do, and very effective :)

    glad to hear Brent is enjoying his work- hopefully something may come out of it.

    oh, and noooooo need for smell-a-blog- i have experienced dead rat in cavity- once when i worked at Spotlight, the smell was around for a couple of months- and recently in my shed, fortunately we got that one out mighty quick
    good to hear your dad is on the mend too

  3. Great layout Mardi...beautiful photo.

    Well done on the cushions, I don't know where you find the time girl, I think you need to write a book on time management, I will put my name down for the first copy.

    Talk soon
    Cherie xx

  4. Hey Mardi, it's great not to have the morn. rush....sadly our holidays r nearly over. So back to the grind I guess.
    Love, love the lo.
    glad to hear ur dad is doing sooo well!

  5. Oh Mardi- I love your 'Erica' scrapjack. It is such a great site- I'm loving it- and I'm loving the school holidays too- I hear you about no lunches, no uniforms, no rushing- BLISS isn't it!
    I hope you continue to enjoy the holidays- I know I will!!

  6. Mardi your cushion looks very cool!

    When I was a teenager we had a rat die in the wall cavity. We'd just moved in and Dad's hadn't put up the architraves yet, so he cut away some gyprock at the bottom, took out the rat and covered the hole with architrave. I have no idea how you'll get rid of yours! Do tell!

  7. Anonymous5:11 pm

    Gorgeous layout Mardi!

    Mitch's comedic personality certainly shows in his photos! He seems like the sort of person who's fun to have around :)

    Eew... dead rats are awful... if only there was a way you could sprinkle some lime over it (as in powder not fruit LOL!) that will stop the smell... Apparently if you leave a box of bicarb soda open it absorbs smells, maybe you could try that???

    I hope it doesn't last too long...


  8. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Your handmade flowers are very cute! Love the colours!
    Good luck with the rat smell!!

  9. Love your jack!! You've really made it your own. But I love those cute little flowers even more - very creative!!

    Petrina :)
