...did anyone go to the Brissie expo..?

11 June 2007

...because...it would seem I was a Scrapbook Creations colour comp finalist...hehe!! (Yeah Yeah...I know its not a winning layout..)
I just had a lovely comment on my blog from (scrapmumof6) ...and when I followed the link to her blog...there was a photo...and I could see my layout on the wall...how cool!
So thankyou soooo much for letting me know.
Now...I know this isnt prize winning'ly prestigous.... but stiff...its there..at the Expo and you've got to be happy about that!...YaaaHoo!

Well...the hot water, shaver stealing mosters are home from Ardrossan.... offering jars of jam and relish from Grandma as peace offerings... its nice to have them home safely...I always worry about them on the roads.... but I was actually enjoying the peace and quiet...lol

...oh..and is it actually correct... that this pair of particular monsters are on the cover of SC this month?
well Im off to help Briony fold the flour into her biscuit mix..
...Mardi x


  1. congrats to YOU..and to the MONSTERS for making the front cover...that is WAY COOL!

  2. Congrats chickadee...for the cover and for the colour comp.
    I entered but can't see my pic on Heikes wall of fame...LOL
    Take Care
    Sharryn :)

  3. You should give yourself a pat on the back for getting a place in any sort of competition Mardi - well done!

    SC comes out this week doesn't it? I'll be looking forward to seeing your COVER!!!! Big congrats to you!

    Megan xx

  4. Congrats on the cover Mardi - how cool is that!!
    way to go on being a finalist for the colour comp as well.
    Love the layout in your last post, looks fantastic.

    take care
    Julie H xx

  5. WOOHOO!!! Congrats on the SC cover Mardi!!! I'll be checking the mail box for my copy! Congrats too for being a finalist in the comp - I went to the convention but didn't get time to browse the layouts 'cause Madi was playing up at home so I missed seeing yours....BUMMER!! YAY FOR YOU!!!

    Sheree xx

  6. Congrats Mardi, my LO is the one below yours, first one on the left :P

    Big congrats on the cover! WOW WOW WOW!!

  7. Anonymous12:57 pm

    Congrats on making the front cover, it looks fabulous! :)

  8. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Congrats on the SC cover Mardi, gorgeous layout and gorgeous pair on it.....also congrats on being a finalist...woohoo

  9. Anonymous8:04 pm

    HUGEST CONGRATS on the cover!!! x

  10. Anonymous11:29 pm

    mmmmm. Biscuits. Yummo. Congrats about being a finalist at the SC colour comp :D How fantastic is that! And congrats again about the cover. I still have to get myself a copy of that :)
    Take care

  11. congrats on the colour finalist...i joined u and know just what u mean...i got a big kick out of seeing my work up on the wall
