layouts... share...
This first one is one of my fav's at the moment... and was the most recent Kim Archer online class .... the @home layout. I loved that it showcased so many photos from around the home..with flippy flappy (techinical term) bits at the front and more hidden photos underneath... my layout has about 23 photos .... including things I love ...things I dont so much love (Brionys unmade bed)....and everyday shots of us at home.

...this next layout was from the free class on Kims site.... love this photo of my gorgeous young couple (aka hot water stealers) ... celebrating their one year anniversary...

.... and I have permission to share this layout that I had the absolute pleasure of doing for Karen...who's layout was chosen as a winner of..' a layout scrapped by me'...on the Aussie Scrapjacked site.... ((waves)) Karen and Miss J.....
...and dont forget its the Scrapboxx Birthday Cybercrop this Saturday .....
Mwah....Mardi x


  1. I'm sure Karen loves the layout you did for her. Lucky girl she is!
    You know I love your Kim Archer samples! :)

  2. Ohhhh these are all just fantastic Mardi. Love it when you do layout shares :-)

    Are you feeling any better after the naturopath??

    Megan xx

  3. Fabulous layouts Mardi.
    Karen is one lucky lady to have a layout scrapped by you...the layout is beautiful.
    How's life? What ahve you been up to? We will have to catch up for a coffee in the next few weeks.

  4. Hi Mardi!! LOVE your @home LO - it is gorgeous - so fun and colourful. Just gorgeous...

    Karen is SUPER lucky to have a MArdi Winen original too - totally perfect.

    x Janelle

  5. Anonymous8:13 pm

    thanks for sharing your beautiful layouts. i am impressed by your commitment to keeping your blog updated. you always have something beautiful to inspire. lea

  6. Great pages here Mardi and I too am sureKaren loves her page.

  7. oh those are gorgeous, and I just adored Karen's LO when i saw it on her blog, just gorgeous!!

  8. Love the lo's as usual Mardi :p
    A very, VERY belated 20th wedding anniversary to U & Ian. WOW! 20 years.
    How'd the naturopath go? I hope u have a good report!

  9. Awesome work as always Mardi! How lucky is Karen to have a layout scrapped by you?! It's gorgeous!

    Sheree xx

  10. Just loving my MW original :) I was SO thrilled to have that LO scrapped by you, and Miss J is also so excited to have her pic on someone else's blog too, LOL.

    I love your inspiring LO's, thanks so much for continuing to share them on your blog.

  11. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Your layouts are fabulous as always! And re the previous post/s - the bag looks fantastic too in my opinion! And how cool is Tammy's LO!
