Birthday wishes..

I just want to send birthday wishes (for yesterday) a wonderful friend of mine..... a friend who I had never met before scrapbooking.... but is now a huge part of my life.
Its just a shame we live so far apart....I would have loved nothing better than to arrive on your door step with a plate of cookies...and to have shared a cuppa with you..... but alas I was work!
(I did mention to my partner that maybe we could just get in the Ambulance and drive to NSW.... he was all for it.... but we were soon chuckling at the thought of Comms ...calling and calling us as we disappeared out of radio
Happy Birthday Janelle ...I hope you had a wonderful day..xx

Mardi x

1 comment

  1. Oh THANK YOU my wonderful friend... Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday - you are a wonderful friend. Thank you for my gorgeous flowers too - they are wonderful xxxx Janelle
