...new teeth...

...aren't they lovely??
Its certainly been worth it.....18 months of bands....dentist visits.....trips to Adelaide....and enough money to buy a small village.... but not a single regret..... another perfect smile in the Winen household.


  1. Oh Briony you look absolutely beautiful! Are you teeth feeling all slimey lol? I remember the toothbrush slipping all around my mouth after I got my braces off...it was such a strange feeling after having braces for so long.

    You look just fantastic - love that super smile :-)

    Megan xx

  2. Anonymous3:39 pm

    Briony you look gorgeous! Not that you didn't before but now we can see your beautiful smile properly :-)


  3. Beautiful smile, Briony. i wish i had teeth that straight. I bet you can't wipe the smile off your face.

  4. Anonymous6:20 pm

    I've been away for ages and have just caught up on all the news you've had to share recently Mardi.
    First up, I am so HAPPY to read that all is well following your surgery - glad to read that everyones encouraging words helped keep your spirits up chicky - there are some truly beautiful people out there.
    And that is one super gorgeous smile Briony!!

    take care and will chat soon
    Julie xx

  5. Beautiful Briony-with and without braces!

  6. Briony, just look at that gorgeous smile!!! It must feel amazing to get those braces off!

    Take care
    Sheree xx

  7. Briony you look gorgeous, what a beautiful smile.

    take care of yourself and your beautiful mum,

    Cherie xx

  8. Anonymous11:13 pm

    Gorgeous Briony!
    Your smile is wonderful!

  9. WOW!!!!! She's even MORE beautiful! :D

  10. Anonymous7:59 am

    Way to go Briony - they look terrific!! Court xx

  11. WHoo hooo WTG Briony!!!!
    Way worth it! & she is gorgeous with or without them.
    That's Fantastic news!!!!!
    Now just go get that bug spray....LOL if only it was that easy hey!
    Good to hear that u've been taking it easy...continue to do so.

  12. Anonymous12:03 pm

    Oh Briony what a very satisfied looking smile you have there :0)
    I bet you feel a little strange without them but glad to get them off.
    Keep smiling!!

  13. That is a smile worth waiting for - must feel great not to have braces.

  14. Anonymous8:59 pm

    A fantastic photo of a beautiful girl with perfect teeth.

    Mardi I can see a lot of you in this particular photo of Briony.

    She must be soooooo relieved and happy that her braces have been removed. I remember how excited I was to run my tounge along my smooth teeth when I got my braces removed too.

    I hope your taking care of yourself Mardi and that your wound infection is fast healing up. Am still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and wishing you all the best with your next lot of treatment.

    Love from Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx.

  15. Anonymous9:56 pm

    Oh what I wouldnt give to have gorgeous teeth like that!

    I am sure you are used to people telling you how gorgeous you are Biony but wihout a doubt you have the gorgeous grin to match!

    Enjoy eating everything you oouldnt.

  16. Whoo Briony that must feel better bet you cant whip that grin from your face

    Hope you are taking it easy Miss Mardi
    Megan xx

  17. Anonymous9:41 am

    Hello there, gorgeous girl....
